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a href="target327.html">Previous image Next imageThe 1654 Prose Letters  Letter 78, cont. (p.219)

way of expressing her favour to me, I must
say, it is not with that cheerfulnesse, as here-
tofore she hath delivered her self towards
me. I am almost sorry, that an Elegy
should have been able to move her to so
much compassion heretofore, as to offer to
pay my debts; and my greater wants now,
and for so good a purpose, as to come dis-
ingaged into that profession, being plainly
laid open to her, should work no farther
but that she sent me 30l. which in good
faith she excused with that, which is in
both parts true, that her present debts
were burdensome, and that I could
not doubt of her inclination, upon
all future emergent occasions, to assist
me. I confesse to you, her former
fashion towards me, had given a better
confidence; and this diminution in her
makes me see, that I must use more friends,
then I thought I should have needed. I
would you could burn this letter, before you
read it, at least do when you have read it.
For, I am afraid out of a Contemplation
[CW: of]

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