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a href="target328.html">Previous image Next imageThe 1654 Prose Letters  Letter 78, cont. (p.220)

of mine own unworthinesse, and fortune,
that the example of this Lady, should
work upon the Lady where you are: for
though goodnesse be originally in her, and
she do good, for the deeds sake, yet, per-
chance, she may think it a little wisdome,
to make such measure of me, as they who
know no better, do. Of any new treaty of
a match withSpain, I hear nothing. The
warres in the Lowcountries, to judge by their
present state, are very likely to go forward.
No word of a Parliament, and I my self
have heard words of the K. as directly a-
gainst any such purpose, as any can sound.
I never heard word, till in your letter, of
any stirres inScotland, for that of the French
K. which you aske, it hath this good
ground, That in the Assembly there a pro-
position hath been made, and well entertai-
ned, that the K. should be declared, to have
full Jurisdiction in France; and no other
person to have any. It hath much of the
modell and frame of our Oath of Allege-
ance, but with some modification. It is
[CW: true]

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