ters? And how all of these times, in the
Jesuites Eastern and Western Epistles?
where can we finde so perfect a Character
of Phalaris, as in his own Letters, which
are almost so many writs of Execution? Or
of Brutus, as in his privie seals for monie?
The Evangiles and Acts, teach us what to
beleeve, but the Epistles of the Apostles
what to do. And those who have endeavou-
red to dignifie Seneca above his worth, have
no way fitter, then to imagine Letters be-
tween him and S. Paul. As they think also
that they have expressed an excellent person,
in that Letter which they obtrude, from
our B. Saviour to King Agabarus. The Ita-
lians, which are most discursive, and think
the world owes them all wisdome, abound
so much in this kinde of expressing, that
Michel Montaigne saies, he hath seen, (as I re-
member) 400 volumes of Italian Letters.
But it is the other capacity which must
make mine acceptable, that they are also
the best conveyors of love. But, though
all knowledge be in those Authors already,
[CW: yet,]