Letter to you; and as such a token as I use
to send, which use, because I wish rather
they should serve (except you wish other-
wise) I send no other; but after I have told
you, that here at a Christning at Peckam, you
are remembred by divers of ours, and I
commanded to you so, I kisse your
hands, and so seal to you my pure love,
which I would not refuse to do by any la-
bour or danger.
Your very true friend and servant
J. Donne.
To Sr G. M.
If you were here, you would not think
me importune, if I bid you good mor-
row every day; and such a patience will ex-
cuse my often Letters. No other kinde of
conveyance is better for knowledge, or
love: What treasures of Morall knowledge
are in Senecaes Letters to onely one Lucilius?
and what of Naturall in Plinies? how much
of the storie of the time, is in Ciceroes Let-
[CW: ters?]