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HSDue ["As due by manie titels I resigne"]

1 As due by manie titels I resigne
My selfe to thee O God; first I was made
By thee, and for thee; And when I was decaid
Thy blood bought that, the which before was thine
I am thy Sunn, made with thy selfe to shine
Thy seruante, whose paines thou hast still repaide
Thy sheepe thine Image, And till I betraide
My selfe, A temple of thy Spiritt diuine.
Why doth the Diuell then vsurpe in mee?
Whi doth hee steale, nay rauish thats thy right?
Except thou rise, and for thine owne work fight.
O I shall soone despaire when I doe see
That thou loust Mankinde well, yet will not chuse mee
And Satan hates mee, yet is loth to loose mee.

2 O my blacke Soule now thou art summoned
By sickenes, deaths Herauld, and Champion̅
Thou art like a Pilgrime which a broad had done
Treason, and durst not tvrne to whence hee is fled,
Or like a theefe, which till deaths doome bee read
Wisheth him selfe deliuered from prison̅
But damnd and haled to execution
Wisheth that still hee might bee imprisoned
Yet Grace if thou repent, thou canst not lacke
But who shall giue thee that grace to begin?
O make thy selfe with holy mourninge blacke
And red, with blushinge, as thou art with Synne
Or wash thee with Crists blood, which hath this Might,
That beinge redd, it dies redd soules to white.