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Cor7 ["Salute the last and everlastinge daie"]


7 Salute the last and everlastinge daie
Ioy all the vprisinge of this Sunn, and Sonn,
Yea whose iust teares or tribulation
Haue purely washed or burnd your drossie claie
Beholde the highest partinge hence awaie,
Lightens the darke clouds, which hee treads vpon̅
Nor doth hee by ascendinge shew alone,
But first hee, and hee first enters the waie
O stronge Ramme, which batterd heauen for mee,
Mylde Lamb which with thy bloud has markd the path
Bright torch which shinst, that I the waie see
O with thine owne blood quench thyne owne iust wrath
And if thy holy Spirite my Muse did raise
Deigne at my hands this Crowne of praier and praise