5 By miracles exceedinge power of man̅
Hee faith in some, enuie in some begate
For what weake Spirits admire, ambitious hate,
In both affections many to him came
But oh the worst are most, they will, and cann
Alas and doe vnto the Immaculate
Whose [space] face is now prescribd a fate
Measuringe self liues infinite to a spann
Nay to an inch, loe, where condemned hee
Beares his owne crosse with paine yet by and by
When it beares him, hee mvst beare more and dy.
Now thou art lifted vp drawe mee to thee
And at thy death giuing such liberall dole,
Moyst with one drop of thy bloud my dry Soule.
6 Moyst with one drop of thy bloud my dry Soule,
Shall (though shee now bee in extreame degree
To stony hard, and yet to fleshlie) bee
Freed by that drop from beinge starud, hard, or foule,
And life by this death abled, shall controule
Death, whome thy death slue, nor shall more to mee
Feare of first or last death bringe miserie,
If in thy littell Booke my name thou enroule
Flesh in that longe sleepe is not putrified
But made that there, of which, and for which twas,
Nor cann by other meanes bee glorified,
May then sinns sleepe, and deaths soone from mee pass
That wakd from both I againe rissen may
Salute the last, and euerlastinge daye [CW: Assention̅.]