3 Immensitie cloystred in thy deare wombe
Now leaues his welbeloud Imprisonment,
There hee hath made himselfe to his intent
Weake enough now into our world to come,
But oh for thee, for him, hath the Inne noe roome?
Yet lay him in this stall, and from the Orient,
Starrs and wise men will trauaile, to preuent
The effect of Herods iealous generall doome,
Seest thou my Soule with thy fayths eie how hee
Which fills all place, yet none holds him doth lye
Was not his pitie towards thee wondrous hie
That would haue neede to be pitied by thee.
Kisse him, and with him into Egipt goe
With his kynd nother who partakes thy woe
Flight . Temple
4 With his kynd mother who partakes thy woe
Ioseph turne backe, see where your child doth sitt
Blowinge, yea blowinge out those sparks of witt
Which himselfe on those doctors, did bestowe
The word, but lately could not speake, and loe
It suddenly speakes wonders, whence comes itt
That all which was, and all which should bee writt,
A shallowe seeminge child should deeply know
His Godhead was not Soule to his Manhood,
Nor had tyme mellowed him to this ripenes
But as for one which hath long tasks, 'tis good
With the Sunne to begin his busyness
Hee in his ages morninge thus began
By miracles exceedinge power of man.