A Letamie
The Father.
1. Father of Heauen, and him, by whom
Itt and vs for, itt, and all els for vs
Thou Madst, and governst ever Come
And recreate mee now growne ruinous.
My hart is by Deiection, claie,
And by selfe Murder-red, red;
From this red earth, O Father, purge awaie
All Vicious tinctures, that new fashioned
I may rise vp from death, before I am dead|
The Sonne.
2. O Sonne of God, who seeing two thinges,
Sinne, and death crept in, which were never made,
By bearing one triedst with what stinges
The other could thyne heritage invade
O bee thou nayled vnto my hart
And crucified againe;
Part not from itt, though itt from thee would part
Butt lett it bee, by applyinge so thy paine,
Drownd in thy blood, and in thy passion slaine|
The Holie Gost:
3. O holy Ghost, whose Temple I
Am, but of Mud=walls, and condenced dust
And being Sacrilegiously
Halfe wasted, with youths fires of Pride, and lust
Must with new stormes bee weather beat,
Double in my hart thy flame,
Which lett deuout sad teares intend; and lett
(Though this glasse-Lanterne, flesh, do suffer Maime)
Fire, Sacrifice, Priest, Alter, bee the same.| [CW: o blessed]