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Lam ["How sitts this citie, late most populous,"]

9. With danger of our life, our bread wee gatt,
Form the wilderness, the sword did waite.
10. The Tempests of this Famine, wee liud in.
Black as an Ouen, colourd had our Skin.
11. In Iudas citties they the Maides abusd,
By force, and so women in Sion vsd,
12. The Princes with their hands they hvnge; no grace,
Nor honor gaue they to the Elders face.
13. Vnto the Mill, our young men carried are,
And children fell vnder the wood they beare.
14. Ellders, the gates, youth did their Songs forbeare,
Gone was our Ioye, our dancinges, Mourninges weare.
15. Now is the Crowne falne from our head; and wo,
Bee vnto vs, because wee haue sinned so.
16. For this our hartes doe languish, and for this,
Over our Eies a clowdie dimness is.
17. Becawse Mount Sion, desolate doth lie,
And Foxes there doe goe att libertie.
18. But thou O Lord art ever, and thy Throne
From generation, to generation.
19. Why shouldst thou forgett vs eternally?
Or leave vs thus longe in this Miserie?
20. Restore vs Lord, to thee that so wee may
Returne; and as of old, renew our daie
21. For oughtest thou O Lord despise vs thus?
And to bee Vtterly enragd att vs.|
p.198 [199]