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Ecst ["Where like a pillowe on a bed"]

This extasie doth vnperplex,
(Wee said) and tell vs what wee loue;
Wee see by this it was not sex;
Wee see wee saw not what did moue.

But as all seuerall Soules containe
Mixture of thinges, they know not what;
Loue there mixt Soules, doth mixe againe
And makes both one, each this and that.

A single Violett transplant,
The strength, the colour, and the size,
All which before was poore and scant
Redoubles still, and multiplies

When loue with one another so
Inter= inanimates two Soules
That abler Soule which thence doth flow
Defects of Loulynes controules.

Wee then, who are this new soule, know
Of what wee are composd, and made
For the Atomi, of which wee grow
Are soules, whome no change can invade

But oh, alass, soe long, soe far
Our boddies, why doe wee forbeare?
They=re ours, though they are not, wee are
The intelligences, they the spheare [CW: Wee]