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Ecst ["Where like a pillowe on a bed"]

Our hands were firmely cimented
With a fast balme, which thence did spring
Our Eyebeames twisted, And did thred
Our eyes vppon one double string.

So to intergraft our hands, as yet
Was all our meanes, to make vs one;
And pictures on our eyes to gett,
Was all our propogation.

As twixt two equall Armies, fate
Suspends vncertaine Victorie
Our Soules which to aduance their state,
Were gon out, hong twixt her and mee

And whilst our Soules negotiate there,
Wee like Sepulchrall Statues laie,
All daie the same our postures were,
And wee said nothing all the daie.

If any so by loue refind
That hee Soules language vnderstood,
And by good loue were growne all minde
Within convenient distance stood.

Hee though hee knew not which Soule spake
(Because both meant, both spake the same)
Might thence a new concoction take,
And part farr purer then hee came.