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Ecst ["Where like a pillowe on a bed"]

Wee owe them thanks bycause they thus
Did vs to vs, at first conuay;
Yeelded their forces, Sence to vs
Nor are drosse to vs, but allay

On man heavens infuence works not so,
But that it first imprints the aire,
Soe Soule into the Soule may flow,
Though itt to boddy first repaire.

As our blood labours to begett
Spiritts, as like Soules as it can,
Bycawse such fingers, neede to knitt
That subtill knott, which makes vs man.

Soe mvst pure louers Soules destend
To affections, and to faculties,
Which sence may reach, and apprehend,
Els a great Prince in prison lies.

To our Boddies turne wee then, that soe
Weake men on loue reueald may looke
Loues misteries in Soules doe growe,
But yet the boddie is his booke.

And if some louer such as wee
Haue heard this Dialogue of one
Let him still marke vs, hee shall see
Small change, when wee're two boddies gone |