DigitalDonne: the Online Variorum

Volume 6: The Anniversaries and the Epicedes and Obsequies

BoulNar           Elegy upon the Death of Mrs. Bulstrode.  [Language thou art too narrow]

BoulRec           Elegy on Mrs. Bulstrode.  [Death, I recant]     

FirAn                The First Anniversary. An Anatomy of the World.  [When that rich soul]

FunEl                A Funeral Elegy.  ['Tis lost to trust a tomb]

(prose letter)   To Sir Robert Carr.  [Sir, I presume you rather trye what you can doe]

Ham                  An Hymn to the Saints and to the Marquis Hamilton.  [Whether that soul which now comes]

(prose letter)   To the Countesse of Bedford Sister to the Lord Harrington  [Madame, I have learnd by those lawes]

Har                    Obsequies upon the Lord Harrington.  [Fair soul, which wast not only]

Henry                Elegy on the Untimely Death of . . . Prince Henry.  [Look to me, Faith]

Mark                  Elegy on the Lady Markham.  [Man is the world]

SecAn                The Second Anniversary. Of the Progress of the Soul.  [Nothing could make me sooner]

Sorrow              Elegia.  [Sorrow, who to this house]

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