DigitalDonne: the Online Variorum

First-Line Index to HH4

HM 198, Henry E. Huntington Library (Book I, Haslewood-Kingsborough ms.)

Compiled April 2010

with assistance from Jennifer S. Adams, Kelley Bradley, Dayoung Chung, Olivia Cunningham,
M. Farrington, Elyssa Gretchen Jechow, Tracy McLawhorn, Brittany Swihart, and Brandi Nicole Tevebaugh

In left-to-right order, each item listed below is identified by (a) its Donne Variorum short form (nc =noncanonical), (b) a siglum-plus-ordinal-position item tag, (c) its location in the artifact (by folio or page nos.), and (d) diplomatic transcriptions of its heading (HE) and first line.   %+ = preceding letter is a large cap.  The brackets »...« indicate material inserted in a second hand. All other codes used are definied in the Donne Variorum Markup Tags list.

This index last corrected 10-24-12.

Curse HH4.1 pp.34-35 HE  %XDuns Curse upon him that knew his m%5rs%6:
whoesoeuer ghesses, thinkes, or dreames he knowes
ElBrac HH4.2 pp.35-37 HE  %Xupon the loss of A Bracelett
Not that in cullour it was like thy Haire
noncan HH4.3 pp.37-40 HE  verses made upon S%5r%6 francis Bacon /viscount verasam:
When you Awake dull Reason and behould
noncan HH4.4 pp.40-42 HE  om
why farre now br***er haue thy sins thought fitt
noncan HH4.5 pp.42-43 HE  %XDedicated to the La: L: B:
Hide like not thy loue and mine shallbe/ open to the
ElBed HH4.6 pp. 43-4 HE om
Come Madame come all rest my powers defye
noncan HH4.7 pp. 44-46 HE  om
And are returned againe with all thy faults
noncan HH4.8 pp. 46-51 HE  %XTo the Comidians of Cambridg whom theyr Acts
Faith Gentlmen I doe not blame your witt
noncan  HH4.9 pp.51-53 HE  %XUpon A faire woeman
When last wee mitt (Praising your beauty) yon
noncan  HH4.10 p. 53 HE  %XUpon an Hower Glass
Doe but consider this small dust heer running in the Glass
noncan HH4.11 p.53 HE  %XThe Curse
Goe perciud Man, and if thou are returne
noncan HH4.12 pp.53-54 HE  %XOia%M Ro: venalia
Hott liverd Gallus could not Longe forbeare
noncan HH4.13 p. 54 HE  om
Sitting and ready to be drawne
noncan HH4.14 pp.54-55 HE  %XThe boddye
Drawe first all saue The Lorde
noncan HH4.15 pp.55-56 HE  %XThe Maide
Painter thou art come but may begone
noncan  HH4.16 pp.56-58 HE  %XState Passages
Theer was some Policy as I beliue
noncan  HH4.17 pp.58-59 HE  %XFra Ro: venalia
Hoot liverd Galles could not Longe forbeare
noncan  HH4.18 pp. 59-60 HE  %XOf Thomas Coriatt:
Vaile B***ets Iigging festiualls
noncan  HH4.19 pp. 60-61 HE  om
Now God preserue as you well deserue
noncan  HH4.20 p. 61 HE  om
If all the day with fine thoughts to raise
noncan  HH4.21 p.62 HE  om
There is no louer he or she
noncan  HH4.22 pp. 62-63 HE  %XTo ouer blessed S%5t%6. Eliz: of famous memory y%5e%6 Humble Petition of ...
If Saints in Heauen can eyther see or heare
noncan  HH4.23 p.63 HE  om
Since all things loue why should not wee
noncan  HH4.24 p.63 HE  om 
Wheer are all ower false Oath blowne
noncan  HH4.25 p.63 HE  om
Sweet doe not pitty If thou canst not loue
LovDiet HH4.26 p. 64 HE  %XDiet Amoris:
To what A Cumbersome unweldines
ELNat HH4.27 p. 64 HE  %XElegy 3%5tio%6
Natures lay Idiott I taught y%5e%6 to loue
ElComp HH4.28 pp. 64 HE  %XElegy 6%5to%6
As the sweet sweat of Roses in A still
LovAlch HH4.29 p. 65 HE  om
Some that haue deeper dig'd Loue mine then I
HWNews HH4.30 p. 65 HE  %XTo S%5r%6: Henry wotten from Court
Her's no more news then uertue, 'I may as well
noncan HH4.31 p.65 HE  om
If you doe meane to bee y%5e%6 marke of Loue
noncan HH4.32 pp. 65-66 HE  om
I aske not Loue but I aske reason why
noncan HH4.33 p. 66 HE  om
when you sitt musing Lady all alone
ValWeep HH4.34 pp. 66-67 HE  %XA valediction of Teares
Lett me power fourth
Image HH4.35 p. 67 HE  %XElegy the 17%5th%6
Image of her, whome I loue more then she
Will HH4.36 p. 68 HE  %XHis Testament Loues Legacy
Before I sigh my last Gaspe, let me breath
Canon HH4.37 p. 68 HE  %XCanno'zon
ffor Gods sake hould your tong & lett me loue
ValName HH4.38 p. 69 HE   %XA ualediction of my Name in the Glass
My Name ingrau'd heerin
Commun HH4.39 p. 69 HE  om
Good we must loue & hate ill
LovUsury HH4.40 pp. 69-70 HE  om
For euery hower y%5t%6 thow wilt spare me now
Fever HH4.41 p. 70 HE  %XA feuer
O doe not Dye for I shall hate
BedfRef HH4.42 p. 70 HE  %XTo the Countes of Bedford
Madame: / you haue refin'd me & to worthyest things
BedfCab HH4.43 p. 71 HE  %XTo the Coun: of Bedford
Maddame: /That I might make y%5r%6: Cabinett my Tombe
Fun HH4.44 p.70 HE  %XThe funerall
whoeuer comes to the shroude me, doe not harme
noncan HH4.45 pp.71-72 HE  %XTo his M%5rs%6: the usurye of time
Lett natures fooler made out of sullen earth
ElVar HH4.46 p. 72 HE  %XLC: Elegy:
The Heavuen reioice in Motion why shoulde I
Sappho HH4.47 p. 73 HE  om
Wher is y%5e%6 hott fyer w%5ch%6: uerse is saide
dubia HH4.48 p. 73 HE  %XJulia
Harke news O enuy, thou shalt hear discryde
noncan HH4.49 p.73 HE  Peter:
You write that Loue & reason
noncan HH4.50 pp. 74-76 HE  %XSatyre: 9%5th%6(?) to S%5r%6 Nicho. Smith; 1602
Sleepe next society and trew freindship
noncan HH4.51 p. 76-77 HE  %XTo Ben Johnson 9%5th%6 Nouember: 1603
If greate min wrong me I will spare my liffe
noncan HH4.52 p.77 HE  om
Now why should Loue A Footboyes place despise
Dream HH4.53 pp. 77-78 HE  %XA Dreame:
Deare Loue for nothing less then y%5e%6
Carey HH4.54 pp. 78-79 HE  om
Maddame /Heer, wherby all, all Saints inuoaked are
BedfShe HH4.55 pp. 79-80 HE  %XElegy to the Lady Bedford
Yow that are, shee, and yow thats double shee  
HarLtr HH4.56 p.80 HE  %XTo the Countes of Bedford
Maddame, /I haue learned by those thawes in w.%5ch%6 I am A little
Har HH4.57 p.80-85 HE  Obsequies of y%5e%6 Lo: Harrington Brother to y%5e%6 Countes of Bedford
Faire soule w%5ch%6: wast not onely, as all Soules bee,
ElExpost HH4.58 pp. 85-6 HE  %XElegy:
To make the doubt cleer, that no womans true
ElPart HH4.59 pp. 86-8 HE  om
Since she must goe and I must Mourn come death Night
Sorrow HH4.60 pp.88-89 HE  %XEllegy 8
Sorrow, who to this House scarce knew the way
BedfReas HH4.61 p. 89 HE  %XTo the Countes of Bedford Elegy: 17%5th%6
Maddam[LM] Reason is our soules left hand faith her right
Merc HH4.62 p.89 HE  %XVpon Mercurius Gallobelgicus
Like Esope fellow slaue, O Mercury
Damp HH4.63 p. 90 HE  %XThe Dampe
When I am dead and Doctors know not why
MHPaper HH4.64 pp. 90-91 HE  om
Mad paper stay and grudg not heer to burne
BedfHon HH4.65 pp. 91-92 HE  %XTo the Countes of Bedford:
Honnor is soe sublime perfection
HG HH4.66 pp. 92-93 HE  %XTo S%5r%6: Henry Goodyeare
Who makes the past A patterne for next yeare
Eclog HH4.67 pp. 93-95 HE  %XAlophanes finding Idus in the Countrye this Christmas
vnseasnable man statue of Ice
noncan  HH4.68 pp. 95-96 HE  %XEpithalamions
Thouw art repriv'd, olde year, thou shalt not Dye
noncan  HH4.69 P. 96 HE  %X Pos: D: Buckinghame
Twas fatall unto the that in thy race
noncan  HH4.70 pp.97-98 HE  %XA Funerall Elegy on the Lady Haddington who dyed of the Small Pox
Deare lost, to tell the world I greiue, weer true,
noncan HH4.71 pp. 98-99 HE  %XA Funerall Elegy on the Death of the faire vertuous / Penelope Late Lady Clinton Lady Clifton
Smile thou Art Dead Clifton, the world may see
noncan  HH4.72 pp. 99-101 HE  %XA Funerall Ellegye on y%5e%6 Death of the famous Actor Richard Burbely/ who dyed ...
Some skilfull Limner helpe me, if not soe
noncan  HH4.73 pp. 101-02 HE  %XOn the Dame y%5t%6 Choakd M%5rs%6 Cotton by: Hugh Holland
Guddy Sinn, Harlotry, Huswife, thing itt
noncan  HH4.74 pp.102-04 HE  %XTo his friend
Amongst strang things caldfriends If I haue anny
noncan  HH4.75 pp.104-05 HE  %XDoctor Cor. Ellegy upon Doctor Rauis Bishop of London
When I past Paules and traueld in the walke
noncan  HH4.76 pp.105-06 HE  %XDoctor Corbett to M%r%6: Alsburye upon y%5e%6 Comett Houe: 1628
My brother, and much more hadst thou beene mine
noncan  HH4.77 pp.106-07 HE  %XMy M%5rs%6: Commanding me to returne her Letter 
So greiues the Aduentrous Marchaunt throwes
noncan  HH4.78 p. 107 HE  %XUpon the Death of M%5r%6: Beamond:
If I had Learning or his greter Muse
noncan  HH4.79 pp. 108-09 HE  %XTo the La. Mordant:
My Lo: I doe confide Y%5e%6 first newes
noncan  HH4.80 p.109-13 HE  %XThe Itinnary In y%5e%6 North, 10%5th%6: Aug: 1618
Four Clarks Of Oxford Doctirs tow and towe
noncan HH4.81 p.114 HE  om
When shall we meet againe and haue A tast
  HH4.82 pp.114-15 HE   %XBen Johnsons Ode to himeself
Come Leaue the Loathed Staye
noncan  HH4.83 pp.115-16 HE  %XRandulphus again to Ben Johnson Ode
Ben doe not leaue she staye
noncan  HH4.84 pp.116-17 HE  om
Tis true deare Ben: Thy Just Chastizing hand
noncan  HH4.85 pp.117-20 HE  om
I will enioye the now my Celia come
noncan  HH4.86 pp.120-21 HE  %XUpon A Lady
Must she still Languish & wee suffer this
noncan  HH4.87 pp. 121-23 HE  %XTo M%5r%6. Ben Johnson:
 Dr. Johnson cross nott our Religion soe
noncan  HH4.88 p. 123 HE  %XUpon the Duke of Richmond who dyed on the Parliament day
He all distaster fled or will death say
noncan  HH4.89 p. 123 HE  %XA Gentlman farwell to his M%5rs%6: goeing to Sea
Farwell fayre Saint, may not, the Seas, and wind 
noncan  HH4.90 pp.123-24 HE  om
My once Deare Loue, hapless that I no more
noncan  HH4.91 pp.124-25 HE  %XA Lamentation upon the conflayration of the Muses habitation ...
What heat of learning kindled your desire
noncan HH4.92 p.126 HE  %XThe: Randolph upon A Sweet voice butt bad facd woman
I chanc'd swet Lisbia's, voyce to heare
noncan HH4.93 p. 126 HE  om
Lost in A troubled Sea of greife I floate
noncan  HH4.94 pp.127-28 HE  %XThomas Randolph Gratulatory to Ben Johnson for adopting him his sone
I was not borne to Hellicon, nor dare
noncan  HH4.95 pp.128-29 HE  %XFrom: Beamond(?) to Ben: Johnson
The Sume w%5ch%6: does the greatest comfort bring
noncan  HH4.96 pp.129-30 HE  %XTo Ben: Johnson.  South Swansly:
Benn the worlde much in debt & though it may
noncan  HH4.97 p.130 HE  %XTo his M%5rs%6: in absence Tho: Carew
Though I must liue heer & by force
noncan  HH4.98 pp.130-31 HE  %XOn the spriing by Tho: Carrew
Now that the wintairs gone the Earth hath lost
noncan  HH4.99 pp.131-34 HE  %XVindiccae%L:  Johnso:
Since only what past ages had begunn
noncan  HH4.100 pp.134-36 HE  %XA defence to the Answer made for the Lord Bacon
What hatfull fury dipt thy raging Quill
noncan  HH4.101 pp.136-37 HE  %XDoctor Price his answer to Corbetts reply on his ...
Soe too dead Hector boye may doe disgrace
noncan  HH4.102 p.137 HE  %XDoctor Corbetts reply
Nor is itt greived (graue youth) the memory
noncan  HH4.103 p.137 HE  om
Happy y%5E%6 mann y%5e%6 to Sweet homes retired
noncan  HH4.104 p.138 HE  %XEarle of Pembroke to S%5r%6 Ben Ruyon
If her disdaynes least change in you can moue
noncan  HH4.105 p. 138 HE  %XS%5r%6 Bens: Ruyon
Tis Loue breeds loue in mee & cold disdaine
noncan  HH4.106 pp.138-39 HE  %XEarle of Pembroke to  Day:
Should Loue that gaue Hero the foyle
noncan  HH4.107 pp.139-41 HE  %XS%5r%6 Ben: Ruyon Answer
No prayse it is, y%5t%6 him who Pithon slew,
noncan  HH4.108 pp.141-43 HE  %XEaL Pembroke answer:
Is it enough, ma%5r%6 yow graunt Loue
noncan  HH4.109 pp.143-46 HE  %XS%5r%6 Ben: Runyon Answer
Not Like A serpent equally distract
noncan  HH4.110 pp.146-47 HE  %XEarle Pembroke:
Men sad and gifted Loue not to contend
noncan  HH4.111 p.147 HE  %XS%5r%6 Ben: Ruyon:
Nor will I now your wound axcellerate
noncan  HH4.112 p.147 HE  om
No Louer sayth Howe
noncan  HH4.112 p.147 HE  om
No Louer sayth Howe
noncan  HH4.114 p.149 HE  om
My Loue is mortall and it must be fed
noncan  HH4.115 p.149 HE  %XUpon Tom of Chri. Chu.: new Cast:
Be dumb y%5e%6 infant charms thump not y%5r%6 meritte.
noncan  HH4.116 p.150 HE  %XOn fayrford windowes
Tell me y%5u%6 Anty-Saints why glas
noncan  HH4.117 pp.150-51 HE  %XIn praise of grey eyes:
Looke how the russett morne exceeds the night
noncan  HH4.118 pp.151-52 HE  %XThe Comendations Of A good Legg and Foote
If Hercules Tall atature might be guest
noncan  HH4.119 pp.152-53 HE  %XTo Felton in Prison
Enioy thy thy bondage make thy prison know
noncan  HH4.120 p.153 HE  %XAn Epitaph on one doomed in snowe
Within A Fleece of Silent nature drownd
noncan  HH4.121 p.153 HE  %Xby A gen that sent Arcadia to his m%5rs%6
What ever in Philotra the fayre,
noncan  HH4.122 pp.153-54 HE  %XOn A blisterd Lippe:
Chide not thy sprouting lippe nore fill
noncan  HH4.123 pp. 154-55 HE  om
No maruell if the Sune bright eye
noncan  HH4.124 p.155 HE  omIn y%5r%6 shine beauty I can see
noncan  HH4.125 pp.155-56 HE  %XSonnett
See how the bashfull morne in vaine
noncan  HH4.126 p.156 HE  %XOn the Duke of Buckinghams Tombe:
These are the solem obsequeys
noncan  HH4.127 p.156 HE  om
With thy owne reason lett my wishes goe
noncan  HH4.128 pp.157-58 HE  %XThe Co*** Of A Rodomancatho Sent by the Duke to the house of Common 28. Ju: 1628Auaunting giddy headed multitude
noncan  HH4.129 pp.158-59 HE  %XOn Felton
Imortall man of fury Whose braue hand
noncan  HH4.130 p.159 HE  om
 And are thou who ??? thoughts thy state
noncan  HH4.131 p.160 HE  om
I tell the Jack thast giuen
noncan  HH4.132 p.160 HE  om
I tell the foole who out there bee
noncan  HH4.133 p.161 HE  %XMemorandum
The remainder of this part formed
noncan  HH4.134 p.163 HE  om
Thou  witt  I doe
noncan  HH4.135 p.163 HE  om
Lay is being
noncan  HH4.136 p.164 HE  %XTo thy Lady Mary
Hermophrodite in 
noncan  HH4.137 p.164 HE  %XIn Curio
The Great Archpapist learned Curio
noncan  HH4.138 p.164 HE  %XIn Shik Holland
With new translation Holland doth soe fill us
noncan HH4.139 p.165 HE  om
An English Ladd now A lass of wales
letter? JD HH4.140 p.165 HE  om
Trew Loue finds writt, butt he whose witt doth moue
ValMourn HH4.141 p. 165 HE  omAs vertuous men pas mildly away
noncan  HH4.142 p.165 HE  om
If when I dy to hell's Eternall shade
noncan  HH4.143 p.165 HE  om
Passions are likned best to
noncan  HH4.144 p.166 HE  om
That more beauty thou do'st showe
noncan  HH4.145 p.166 HE  om
That more beauty thou do'st showe
noncan  HH4.146 p.166 HE  om
who sayes %5t%6 property begeth neglect
Air HH4.147 p. 167 HE  %XAyre and Angels
Twice or thrice had I loud the
LovGrow HH4.148 p. 167 HE  %XSpring
I scarce beleue my loue to be soe pure
Lect HH4.149 p. 167 HE  %X|.Loves Lecture|
Stand still & I will read to thee
ValBook HH4.150 p. 168 HE  %XA vallediction of the booke
Ile tell y%5e%6 now (Deare Loue) what thow shalt doe
ConfL HH4.151 p. 168 HE  om
Some Man unworthy to be possessour
noncan  HH4.152 pp.168-69 HE  %XAn Ellegy to S%5r%6 Tho. Ros: 1603
Deare Tom:
noncan  HH4.153 p.169 HE  %XAn Ellegy to M%5rs%6 Boultred 1602
Shall I goe force
BoulNar HH4.154 pp.169 HE  %XEllegy upon the Death of m.%5rs%6 Boulstrid
Language thow art to narrow & to weake
Token HH4.155 p. 170 HE  om
Send me some token y%5t%6: my hope may liue
Anniv HH4.156 p. 170 HE  om
All Kings & all their fauorites
LovExch HH4.157 p. 170  HE  om
Loue, anie diuell else but yo%5u%6
Prohib HH4.158 pp. 170-71 HE  om
Take heed of Loueing me
Under HH4.159 p. 171 HE  om
I haue done one brauer thinge
EdHerb HH4.160 p. 171 HE  %XA letter to s%5r%6: Edw. Herbert:
Man is A lumpe, wher all beasts kneded bee
TWHail HH4.161 pp. 171-72 HE  %XTo M:%5r%6 F: W: L C
All haile sweet Poett, more full of strong fire
BB HH4.162 p. 172 HE  %XBB
Is not thy sacred hunger of science
noncan  HH4.163 p.172 HE  %XBB
Thou sent'st to me prose & rime, I send for those
noncan  HH4.164 p.172 HE  %XElegy:
Come Fates I feare you not, all whome I owe
Para HH4.165 p. 173 HE  om
No louer saith I loue, nor anny other
TWHence HH4.166 p. 173 HE  %XA Letter.
Att once from hence my Lines & I depart
noncan  HH4.167 p.173 HE  om
Disdaine mi still y%5t%6 I may euer loue
noncan  HH4.168 p.173 HE  om
when I doe loue I would not nigh to spend
noncan  HH4.169 p.173 HE  om
Addam y%5t%6 liu'd soe manny yeare agoe
noncan  HH4.170 p.174 HE  %Xthat loue is note fare
whoe so  begines Loue
noncan  HH4.171 p.174 HE  %XJ: J: now God blessing on all good Dreams:
yow Horrible Dreame wish
noncan  HH4.172 p.174 HE  %XR: W: Frendship & frend:
Frendship we may on-Earth as easy find
noncan  HH4.173 p.174 HE  %XBy s%5r%6: Ruh: B:
My loue my frend I will express
noncan  HH4.174 p.174 HE  %XDoctor Corbett to y%5e%6 Lo: Marquis Bucingham
When I can pay my Parents or my Kinge
noncan  HH4.175 pp.175-77 HE  %XS%5r%6: Will: Harrington, upon his father, S%5r%6 Har: harrington
Dearest who though butt dust I y%5r%6 Loue most
noncan  HH4.176 p.177 HE  %XHa: Morrison
Now if thow will this simely aply
noncan  HH4.177 pp.177-78 HE  %XM%5r%6 Morrison with La: Morrison
For line & take Comission from my hart
noncan  HH4.178 pp.178-79 HE  %XS%5r%6 Will. Harringtons preparation too trauell:
Tis time to call A Frend from his safe bedd
noncan  HH4.179 pp.180-84 HE  %XA protestant
Soe will the formalist be cal'd:
noncan  HH4.180 p.184 HE  %XA Papist
A Romanist is such annother thing
noncan  HH4.181 pp.184-85 HE  %XReligion:
Religion the most sacred power on earth
noncan  HH4.182 pp. 185-89 HE  %XThe true Puritan without disguise
A Puritan is such A most massive thing
noncan  HH4.183 pp.189-90 HE  %Xupon A Vallentine/ Ana Jane Hatton:/ A note in Hat
And is this trew, whence ist
noncan  HH4.184 pp.190-91 HE  om
when sleepe had draune the Curtayns so myne eyes
noncan  HH4.185 pp.192-93 HE  %XTo A friend in y%5??%6 greatt frost:
S%5r%6: as A Prisner hoping for repreiue
noncan  HH4.186 p.193-94 HE  om
The hayre A forrest is of Ambushes
noncan  HH4.187 pp.194-96 HE  %XElegy of the Lady Doniston sent to my M%5rs%6 out of france
Lett him who from his Tirant M%5rs%6 did
noncan  HH4.188 pp.196-97 HE  %XObsequies to the Lady Ann Haye
I heard the virgin sigh I saw the
noncan  HH4.189 p.197 HE  %Xon verses
The lustfull Goddes
noncan  HH4.190 pp.198-99 HE  %XTo the Countes of Angling up the Imoderatly lamented/ death by her of her Husband:
Maddam men say yow berne With dropping eyes
noncan  HH4.191 pp.199-201 HE  %XM%5r%6 Randolphes Petition to his Creditors
Pox take yow all from yow my sorrowes swell
noncan  HH4.192 pp.201-03 HE  %XThe witts
A sessione was held the other day
noncan  HH4.193 p.205 (misnumbered) HE  om
from seeing yow, tis now soe dangerous growne
noncan  HH4.194 pp.203-04 HE  %XLetther: to y%5e%6 Country of Rutland
Maddam soe may my
noncan  HH4.195 p.204 HE  %XChast and descreet Loue:
Loue gieu me leaue to serue the & bee wise

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