DigitalDonne: the Online Variorum

Sequential Index to H5

MS Eng 966.4, Harvard University Library (Norton ms. 4506, The Dobell ms.)

Compiled January 19, 1993, by Ted Sherman

In left-to-right order, each item listed below is identified by (a) its Donne Variorum short form (nc = noncanonical; pr = prose), (b) a siglum-plus-ordinal-position item tag, and (c) its location in the artifact (by folio or page nos.).  Noncanonical items are further identified by (d) diplomatic transcriptions of their headings (HE) and first lines.

This index was last corrected 4/2/02.

pr       H5.1,  ff. 2-8v         HE      Psalme 38 Lord all my desire is / before thee and my   
                                         groninge is / not |s|ped from thee  
                                 The whole psalme hath two parts  
               [ff. 9-55v either blank or covered with Balam's scrawl]  
pr       H5.2,  ff. 56-64v       HE      Eccles. 12.2. / Remember nowe thy Creator in the dayes   
                                         / of thy youth.  
                                 We may consider two great vertues  
               [ff. 65-67v filled with Balam's scrawl]  
pr       H5.3,  ff. 68           HE      To the right hono:ble the /  
                                         Countesse of Montgomery.  
                                 Maddam, / Of my ability to doe your Lapp:  
                [f. 68v Balam's scrawl]  
pr       H5.4,  ff. 69-78v       HE      Matth: 21.44 / Whosoeuer shall fall on this stone, he   
                                         shalbe / broken; but on whomesoeuer it fhall fall,   
                                         t'will / dash him in pieces.  
                                 Almighty God made vs for his glory; and his glory  
               [ff. 79r-v blank]  
Corona   H5.5,  ff. 80-81v  
HSMade   H5.6,  ff. 82  
HSDue    H5.7,  ff. 82                                                                        
HSSighs  H5.8,  ff. 82v  
HSPart   H5.9,  ff. 82v  
HSBlack  H5.10, ff. 83                                                                        
HSScene  H5.11, ff. 83                                                                        
HSLittle H5.12, ff. 83v  
HSRound  H5.13, ff. 83v                                                                        
HSMin    H5.14, ff. 84                                                                        
HSSouls  H5.15, ff. 84  
HSDeath  H5.16, ff. 84v                                                                                                            
HSWilt   H5.17, ff. 84v                                                                        
Lit      H5.18, ff. 85-89v                                                                                                                                                  
Goodf    H5.19, ff. 90r-v  
Annun    H5.20, ff. 91r-v  
Cross    H5.21, ff. 92r-v                                                                                             
Christ   H5.22, ff. 93  
Tilman   H5.23, ff. 93v-94  
Father   H5.24, ff. 94v  
               [ff. 95-97v blank or filled w/Balam's scrawl]                                       
pr       H5.25, ff. 98          HE      Paradoxes / That all things kill themselues                             
                                1 / To affect, yea to effect their owne deaths, all liue= are   
pr       H5.26, ff. 98v-99      HE      That Nature is our worst / Guide.                                      
                                2 / Shall shee bee Guide to all Creatures wch is  
pr       H5.27, ff. 99r-v       HE      That onely Cowards dare dye                                            
                                3 / Extreames are equally remou'd from ye meane,  
pr       H5.28, ff. 99v-100     HE      That the Guiftes of the bodie are / better then the   
                                        guifts of ye minde, / or of ffortune.  
                                4 / I say againe that the bodie makes the minde,  
pr       H5.29, ff. 100v        HE      That Good is more common / then euill.                                  
                                5 / I haue not beene soe pittifully tyred wth  
pr       H5.30, ff. 101         HE      That by Discord things encrease                                         
                                6 / So I asseuer this the more boldly because  
pr       H5.31, ff. 101v        HE      That is->it is possible to finde / some vertue in some   
                                7 / I am not of that sear'd impudency yt I dare  
pr       H5.32, ff. 101v-102r   HE      That old men are more fantastique / then younge.|                      
                                8 / Whoe reades this Paradoxe but thincks mee more                                   
pr       H5.33, ff. 102r-v      HE      That woemen ought to paint / themselues.                                 
                                9 / ffowleness is loathsome, can that bee soe too wch helpes it?                    
pr       H5.34, ff. 103r-v      HE      That a wise man is knowne by / much laughinge                          
                                10 / Ride si sapis O puella ride. If thou beest  
pr       H5.35, ff. 104         HE      Problems  
                                1 / Why are Courtiers sooner Atheists then  
pr       H5.36, ff. 104         HE      2th:                                                                     
                                2 / Why doth Sr W: R write the Historie  
pr       H5.37, ff. 104v        HE      3th.                                                                     
                                3 / Why doe great men choose of all dependants  
pr       H5.38, ff. 104v        HE      4th.|                                                                     
                                4 / Why doth not gold soile the fingers? Doth  
pr       H5.39, ff. 104v        HE      5th.|                                                                     
                                5 / Why dye none for loue nowe? because woemen  
pr       H5.40, ff. 104v-105    HE      6th.|                                                                     
                                6 / Why doe young lay-men soe much studie diui=  
pr       H5.41, ff. 105         HE      7th.                                                                    
                                7 / Why hath the common opinion afforded woemen  
pr       H5.42, ff. 105v        HE      8th. / Why are the fairest falsest?                                      
                                8 / I meane not of false Alcumy Beauty, for then  
pr       H5.43, ff. 105v-106    HE      9th. / Why haue Bastards best fortunes?                                   
                                9 / Because ffortune herself is a whore. But such are                                
pr       H5.44, ff. 106         HE      10th. / Why Puritans make longest Sermons                                
                                10 / It needs not for perspicuousnes, for God knowes  
pr       H5.45, ff. 106v        HE      11.:th / Why doth the Poxe soe much affect / to   
                                        vndermine the nose?          
                                Paracelsus perchance sayes true, that euery Dis=  
pr       H5.46, ff. 107         HE      Why Venus starre only doth / cast a Shaddowe                            
                                12 / Is it because it is nearer the Earth? But they  
pr       H5.47, ff. 107v        HE      Why is Venus Starr Multi-nominous / called both   
                                        Hesperus, and Vesper?  
                                13 / The Moone hath as many names, but not as shee is                              
pr       H5.48, ff. 107v        HE      Why is there more varietie of Greene / then of other Collours?         
                                14 / It is because it is the figure of youth wherin  
pr       H5.49, ff. 108         HE      Why are newe Officers least / oppressinge?                            
                                15 / Must the old Prouerbe, That old Doggs bite sore=  
pr       H5.50, ff. 108r-v      HE      13. / Why are Statesmen moste / incredulous.|                            
                                16 / Are they all wise enough to follow their Ex=  
pr       H5.51, ff. 108v        HE      Why doth Ioh: Salisburiensis writing danugis /  
                                        Curialiu%M, Laudle ye p%Puidence and o%Mipotency of God?  
                                17 / Though ye Stoickes change or aduersaries who put  
pr       H5.52, ff. 109         HE      Why doe woemen delight soe much / in feathers?                   
                                18 / They thinck that ffeathers imitate winges, soe  
pr       H5.53, ff. 109v        HE      Why did the Deuill reserue Iesuits for these /latter-times?  
                                19 / Did he knowe that our age would deny the Deuills  
pr       H5.54, ff. 110         HE      The description of a Scott att / first sight.  
                                At his first appearinge in the   
pr       H5.55, ff. 110-111     HE      A Dunce.  
                                Is a Soule drownd in a lumpe of flesh, or a peice of earth that  
               [ff. 111v-115v blank or filled w/Balam's scrawl]  
Sat1     H5.56, ff. 116-117v                                                                       
Sat5     H5.57, ff. 118-119  
nc       H5.58, ff. 119v-121v   HE      Satyra tertia  
                                 Sleepe, next Society and true frendship  
Sat4     H5.59, ff. 122-125v                                                                      
Sat2     H5.60, ff. 126-127v                                                                          
Sat3     H5.61, ff. 128-129v  
               [ff. 130-133v blank or filled w/Balam's scrawl]  
Har ltr  H5.62, ff. 134         HE      To the Countesse of Bedford.  
                                Maddam, I haue learnt by those lawes, wherein I am a litle conuer=  
Har      H5.63, ff. 134-138  
BoulRec  H5.64, ff. 138v-139v                                                                     
Mark     H5.65, ff. 140r-v                                                                     
ElAut    H5.66, ff. 141r-v  
ElFatal  H5.67, ff. 142r-v                                                                     
ElComp   H5.68, ff. 143r-v                                                                     
ElBed    H5.69, ff. 144r-v                                                                     
ElAnag   H5.70, ff. 145r-v  
ElPerf   H5.71, ff. 146-147  
ElChange H5.72, ff. 147r-v                                                                     
ElWar    H5.73, ff. 148r-v                                                                       
ElServe  H5.74, ff. 149r-v                                                                     
ElNat    H5.75, ff. 150  
ElExpost H5.76, ff. 150v-151v  
EpEliz   H5.77, ff. 152-153v  
Eclog    H5.78, ff. 154-158                                                                     
EpLin    H5.79, ff. 158v-160                                                                     
               [ff. 160v-61v blank but for some scrawling]  
ElBrac   H5.80, ff. 162-163v  
BedfHon  H5.81, ff. 164-165  
BedfCab  H5.82, ff. 165                                                                   
BedfRef  H5.83, ff. 165v-166v  
BedfReas H5.84, ff. 167r-v                                                                     
Carey    H5.85, ff. 168-169                                                                     
HWNews   H5.86, ff. 169v                                                                       
HWKiss   H5.87, ff. 170-171                                                                     
HG       H5.88, ff. 171-172  
Storm    H5.89, ff. 172-173  
Calm     H5.90, ff. 173v-174  
RWThird  H5.91, ff. 174v-175                                                                     
TWHail   H5.92, ff. 175v                                                                     
EdHerb   H5.93, ff. 176r-v                                                                     
TWHence  H5.94, ff. 177                                                                     
nc       H5.95, ff. 177v         HE      Omitted  
                                 True loue tinds witt; but he whose witt doth moue  
ElJeal   H5.96, ff. 178                                                                         
               [ff. 178v-181v blank or filled w/Balam's scrawl]  
Citizen  H5.97, ff. 182-183      HE      A tale  
                                 I singe no harme, good sooth to any wight       
Witch    H5.98, ff. 183                                                                         
Twick    H5.99, ff. 183v                                                                         
ValName  H5.100,ff. 184-185
ValBook  H5.101,ff. 185v-186v                                                                   
ValMourn H5.102,ff. 186v-187
Expir    H5.103,ff. 187v                                                                      
Ecst     H5.104,ff. 188-189  
Dream    H5.105,ff. 189v                                                                    
Appar    H5.106,ff. 190  
Will     H5.107,ff. 190v-191
Fun      H5.108,ff. 191v                                                                    
Lect     H5.109,ff. 192  
LovDeity H5.110,ff. 192v                                                                         
LovDiet  H5.111,ff. 193r-v  
nc       H5.112,ff. 193v         HE      Fragment  
                                 Beleeue not him, whom Loue hath lefte so wise  
LovGrow  H5.113,ff. 194                                                                         
Blos     H5.114,ff. 194v-195
Prim     H5.115,ff. 195v  
Relic    H5.116,ff. 196  
Damp     H5.117,ff. 196v  
Air      H5.118,ff. 197  
Canon    H5.119,ff. 197v-198  
LovAlch  H5.120,ff. 198v  
Flea     H5.121,ff. 199                                                                      
Curse    H5.122,ff. 199v  
Fever    H5.123,ff. 200  
ValWeep  H5.124,ff. 200v  
Under    H5.125,ff. 201  
Commun   H5.126,ff. 201v  
LovExch  H5.127,ff. 202r-v  
nc       H5.128,ff. 202v         HE      A Songe.  
                                 Loue bred of glaunces 'twixt amorous eyes  
SGo      H5.129,ff. 203                                                                       
Break    H5.130,ff. 203v                                                                                             
GoodM    H5.131,ff. 204  
SunRis   H5.132,ff. 204v  
Triple   H5.133,ff. 205  
ConfL    H5.134,ff. 205v  
SSweet   H5.135,ff. 206r-v                                                                         
Compu    H5.136,ff. 206v  
WomCon   H5.137,ff. 207  
Ind      H5.138,ff. 207v                                                                     
LovUsury H5.139,ff. 208  
Broken   H5.140,ff. 208v  
Leg      H5.141,ff. 209                                                                         
Image    H5.142,ff. 209v                                                                         
LovInf   H5.143,ff. 210  
Prohib   H5.144,ff. 210v                                                                         
Anniv    H5.145,ff. 211  
nc       H5.146,ff. 211v         HE      Omitted  
                                 Vengeance will sitt aboue our faults, but till  
nc       H5.147,ff. 212          HE      Omitted  
                                 Absence heare my protestation  
nc       H5.148,ff. 212v-213     HE      To Liuia  
                                 Deare Loue continewe nice, and Chaste  
Mess     H5.149,ff. 213v  
MHPaper  H5.150,ff. 214r-v   
               [ff. 215-16v blank save for Balam's scrawl]                                   
Antiq    H5.151,ff. 217  
SelfAc   H5.152,ff. 217  
Disinher H5.153,ff. 217  
Phrine   H5.154,ff. 217  
Philo    H5.155,ff. 217  
Klock    H5.156,ff. 217  
Ralph    H5.157,ff. 217  
Beggar   H5.158,ff. 217  
nc       H5.159,ff. 217          HE      Omitted  
                                 Two fallinge out into a ditch they fell  
Wall     H5.160,ff. 217v  
Liar     H5.161,ff. 217v  
Merc     H5.162,ff. 217v  
Licent   H5.163,ff. 217v  
               [ff. 218-227v blank save for Balam's scrawl
               [ f. 228 blank
               [ff. 228v-267 don't contain Donne material--all stuff by Balam]

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