DigitalDonne: the Online Variorum

First-Line Index to C9

Add. ms. 8468, Cambridge University Library (Narcissus Luttrell ms.)

Compiled April 16, 1992, by Chris Riels

In left-to-right order, each item listed below is identified by (a) its Donne Variorum short form (nc = noncanonical), (b) a siglum-plus-ordinal-position item tag, (c) its location in the artifact (by folio or page nos.), and (d) diplomatic transcriptions of its heading (HE) and first line.  * = dubium.

This index was last corrected January 31, 2003.

Nar. Luttrell: / His Book / 1680. [in upper right corner of cover]
A Collection / of Poems & Songs on / Seurall occasions. [centered on coverLit        C9.1   ff. 1-5v      HE      Diuine Poems. /A LETANY.  
                                Father of heauen, and him by whom
                                [written in stanzas; inside cover completely blank; 
                                bottom third of f. 5v blank except for CW: Goodfryday]     
Goodf      C9.2   ff. 6r-v      HE      Goodfryday: 1613: Riding towards Wales. 
                                Let mans soule be a Sphere, & then in this
Cross      C9.3   ff. 6v-7v     HE      Of the Cross. 
                                Since Christ embrac'd the Cross it selfe, dare I
nc         C9.4   ff. 7v-9v     HE      A Satyricall letter to Sr Nichi Smith 
                                        / Quere if Donnes or Sr Tho: Rowes.
                                Sleep, next societye & true freindship,

                                [last fifth of f. 9v blank, except for CW: Satyres / Sr]
Sat2       C9.5   ff. 10v-11v   HE   SATYRES 
                                S.r Though (I thank God for it) I doe hate
Sat1       C9.6   ff. 12r-13v   HE   Satyre. 2. 
                                Away thou changling motley Humorist
Sat3       C9.7   ff. 14r-15v   HE   Satyre. 3. 
                                Kind pitty choakes my Spleene, braue scorne forbids
Sat4       C9.8   ff. 16r-19v   HE   Satyre 4 
                                Well I may now receaue & dye, my sin
Sat5       C9.9   ff. 20r-21v   HE   Satyre 5 
                                Thou shalt not laugh in this leafe, muse, nor they
nc         C9.10  ff. 21v-22r   HE   Satyre. 6 
                                Men write yt Loue & Reason disagree                                                                                                        
                                [ff. 22v-23v blank]
ElPerf     C9.11  ff. 24r-25r   HE   Elegy. 2.  
                                Once & but once found in thy companye, 
ElJeal     C9.12  ff. 25r-25v   HE   Elegy. 3.  
                                Fond woman which wouldst haue thine husband dye 
ElServe    C9.13  ff. 25v-26v   HE   Elegy: 4.  
                                Oh lett me not serue so as those men serue 
ElNat      C9.14  ff. 26v-27r   HE   Elegie: 5.| [>>F.<< left of HE] 
                                Natures Lay Idiott, I taught thee to Loue 
ElWar      C9.15  ff. 27r-27v   HE   Elegie. 6.  
                                Till I haue peace with thee, warre, other men 
ElBed      C9.16  ff. 28r-28v   HE   Elegie. 7. 
                                Come Madam come, all rest my powers defye 
ElChange   C9.17  ff. 28v-29r   HE   Elegie. 8.  
                                Although thy hand, & faith, & good works too 
ElFatal    C9.18  ff. 29v-30v   HE   Elegie:9/ On his Mistresse desiring to bee disguis'd/ & travaile 
                                with him  like a Page. 
                                By our first strange and fatall enterview 
ElPict     C9.19  ff. 30v       HE   Elegie. 10.  
                                Heere take |my| Picture, though I bid farewell 
ElAnag     C9.20  ff. 30v-31v   HE   Elegie: 11:                                       
                                Marry & Loue thy Flavia, for shee 
ElAut      C9.21  ff. 31v-32v   HE   Elegie: 12: On the Lady Herbert afterwards/ Danuers.                                      
                                No Spring nor sum%Mers beautye hath such grace 
ElProg     C9.22  ff. 32v-34r   HE   Elegie: 13./ Loues Progresse.  
                                Who euer Loues, if he doe not propose 
ElPart     C9.23  ff. 34v-36r   HE   Elegy: 14:  
                                Since shee must goe, & I must mourne, come night 
Citizen*   C9.24  ff. 36v-37v   HE   Elegie: 15:     
                                I sing no harme, good south, to any wight 
                                [bottom of f. 37v blank except for CW: True loue]
nc         C9.25  ff. 38r       HE   Elegie:16  
                                True loue finds[sic] witt, but he whose witt doth moue 
ElExpost   C9.26  ff. 38v-39v   HE   Elegye: 17:                                       
                                To make the doubt cleere that no woman's true 
nc         C9.27  ff. 39v       HE   Elegye: 18. 
                                The greatest & the most conceald imposter 
nc         C9.28  ff. 40r       HE   Elegy/ Fragment  
                                Now why should Loue a footboyes pace despise                             
nc         C9.29  ff. 40v       HE   om  
                                Belieue not him whom loue hath made so wise                                 
nc         C9.30  ff. 40v       HE   om  
                                Pure linke of bodyes where no Lust controules                                                                  
nc         C9.31  ff. 40v-41r   HE   Elegye:   
                                Who so termes Loue a fire, may like a Poet 
Julia*     C9.32  ff. 41r-41v   HE   Elegy: Julia.  
                                Harke newes, o%C Envy, thou shalt heare descry'd 
nc         C9.33  ff. 41v-42r   HE   Elegye: to chast Loue. 
                                Chast Loue, lett me embrace thee in mine armes 
nc         C9.34  ff. 42r-42v   HE   Vpon his Scornfull mistresse. Elegye  
                                Cruell, since that thou dost not feare the curse 
                                [even lines indented]
SelfL      C9.35  ff. 42v       HE   Elegye:  
                                Hee that cannot chuse but loue 
                                [even lines indented]
ElBrac     C9.36  ff. 43r-44v   HE   Elegye./ To a Ladye whose chaine was lost/ The bracelet Armilla.                                  
                                Not that in colour it was like thy hayre 
                                [blank leaf betw. ff.44v and 45; 1st leaf numbered 44a in a 2nd hand]
BedfCab    C9.37  ff. 45r-45v   HE   Epicedes and Obsequies./ Vpon the Deathes of Seuerall 
                                Personages./ To the Countesse of Bedford.  
                                Madame/ That I might make your Cabinet my Tombe,                                 
Mark       C9.38  ff. 45v-46r   HE   A funerall Elegye vpon the death of the/ Lady Markham.                                  
                                Man is the world & death the Ocean 
Sorrow     C9.39  ff. 46v       HE   Elegy funer:  
                                Sorrow which to this house scarce knew the way 
BoulRec    C9.40  ff. 47r-48r   HE   Upon ye death of Boulstredd                                 
                                Death I recant, & say vnsayd by me
nc         C9.41  ff. 48r-48v   HE   om 
                                Death bee not proude, thy hand gaue not this blowe 
BoulNar    C9.42  ff. 48v-49v   HE   Another vpon the same.                                      
                                Language thou art too narrow & too weake 
nc         C9.43  ff. 49v       HE   Vpon the same                                      
                                Stay, view this Stone, & if thou beest not such 
nc         C9.44  ff. 50r       HE   Vpon the same 
                                Heere doe repose, but in Lamented wast 
Har [Ltr]  C9.45  ff. 50r       HE   To the Countesse of Bedford, Sister/ to the Lord Harrington 
                                Madame/ I haue learnd by those lawes wherein I am a little conuersant, yt
Har        C9.46  ff. 50r-54r   HE   Obsequyes Vpon the L: Harrington/ the Last that dyed.                                       
                                Faire Soule, wast not only, as all Soules bee 
Ham [Ltr]  C9.47  ff. 54r       HE   To Sr Robert Carr  
                                Sir I presume you rather trye what you can doe in me 
Ham        C9.48  ff. 54v-55r   HE   A Hymne to the Saints and/ to the Marquesse Hamilton.                                      
                                Whether the Soule that now comes vp to you                      
Henry      C9.49  ff. 55r-56v   HE   Elegye on Prince Henry, since in print/ but out of print                                       
                                Looke to mee faith, & looke to my faith, God,                         
EtAD       C9.50  ff. 57r       HE   Annae%L        
                                {Georgij } More de { Filiae%L 
                                [f. 57v is blankHG         C9.51  ff. 58r-58v   HE   Letters to Seuerall/ Personages./ To S.r Henry Goodyeare 
                                     mouinge him/ to travaile.                                       
                                Who makes ye past a patterne for next yeere, 
                                [written in 4-line stanzas; considerable bleedthrough making first line 
                                very difficult to readBedfHon    C9.52  ff. 58v-59v   HE   To the Countesse of Bedford.  
                                Madame/ Honour is so sublime perfection 
                                [written in 3-line stanzasBedfRef    C9.53  ff. 60r-61r   HE   To the Countesse of Bedford. 
                                Madame. You haue refin'd mee, & to worthyest thinges, 
                                [written in 6-line stanzas] 
nc         C9.54  ff. 61r-v     HE   To Ben:Johnson: 6: Jan: 1603.  
                                The State & mens affayres are the best Playes 
nc         C9.55  ff. 62r       HE   To Ben: Johnson: 9 Novemb: 1603.  
                                If great men wrong mee I will spare my Selfe, 
TWHail     C9.56  ff. 62v       HE   A Letter. In certo.                                        
                                All haile, sweete Poet, more full of more stronge fire                                
RWThird    C9.57  ff. 63r-63v   HE   A letter to Rowland Woodward.  
                                Like one who in her third widdowhood doth professe 
                                [written in 3-line stanzasHWNews     C9.58  ff. 63v-64r   HE   To Sr Henry Wotton.  
                                Heer's no more newes, then virtue; I may as well 
                                [written in 3-line stanzasHWKiss     C9.59  ff. 64r-65r   HE   To Sr Henry Wotton.  
                                S.r more then kisses, letters mingle Soules 
BedfReas   C9.60  ff. 65r-65v   HE   To the Countesse of Bedford  
                                Reason is our Soules left hand, faith her right 
                                [written in 4-line stanzasEdHerb     C9.61  ff. 66r-66v   HE   To Sr Edward Herbert. 
                                Man is a Lumpe where all beasts kneaded bee 
BedfShe    C9.62  ff. 66v-69v   HE   To the Lady Bedford. 
                                You that are Shee, & you, that's double shee 
Carey      C9.63  ff. 69v-68v   HE   To the Lady Cary.                                        
                                Madame./ Heere whereby all, all Saints in voked are    
                                [written in 3-line stanzas] 
nc         C9.64  ff. 68v-69r   HE   To Sr Tho: Row: 1603.               
                                Deare Tom./ Tell her if shee to hired seruants show 
nc         C9.65  ff. 69r       HE   A Letter In certo.  
                                No want of Duty did my mind professe 
nc         C9.66  ff. 69v       HE   A Letter In certo. 
                                Thou sendst me prose & rimes, I send for those 
TWHence    C9.67  ff. 69v-70r   HE   Lre Incerto 
                                At once from hence my lines & I depart 
                                [written in 3-line stanzasTWHarsh    C9.68  ff. 70r       HE   To M:r T: W.  
                                Hast thee harsh verse, as fast as thy Lame measure 
BB         C9.69  ff. 70r-70v   HE   To Mr B: B:  
                                Is not thy Sacred hunger of Science                                 
CB         C9.70  ff. 70v       HE   To Mr C. B:  
                                Thy freind, whom thy deserts to thee enchaine 
                                [written in 7-line stanzasTWPreg     C9.71  ff. 71r       HE   To Mr T: W: 
                                Pregnant againe with th' old Twinns Hope & feare 
                                [written in 3-line stanzasSB         C9.72  ff. 71r       HE   To Mr S: B:  
                                O thou, which to search out ye Secret parts                                 
ILRoll     C9.73  ff. 71v       HE   To M.r I: L:  
                                Of that short roll of freinds writt in my heart. 
RWSlumb    C9.74  ff. 71v-72r   HE   To Mr R: W:  
                                If, as mine is, thy life a slumber bee, 
ILBlest    C9.75  ff. 72r-72v   HE   To Mr I: L:  
                                Blest are your northparts, for all this long time 
HWVenice   C9.76  ff. 72v-73r   HE   To Sr Henry Wootton at his going/ Embassador to Uenice.  
                                After those reverend papers (whose Soule is 
                                [written in 4-line stanzasBedfWrit   C9.77  ff. 73r-74v   HE   To the Countesse of Bedford.  
                                T'haue written then when you wrote, seemd to me 
BedfTwi    C9.78  ff. 74v-75v   HE   To the Countesse of B:/ at New yeares tide.  
                                This Twylight of two yeares, not past, nor next 
                                [written in 5-line stanzasHuntMan    C9.79  ff. 75v-76v   HE   To the Countesse of Huntingdon.  
                                Man to Gods Image, Eue to mans was made 
                                [written in 4-line stanzasSappho     C9.80  ff. 77r-77v   HE   Sappho to Philae%Lnis  
                                Where is that holy fire which verse is sayd 
Sal        C9.81  ff. 78r       HE   To the Countesse of Salisbury 
                                ffayre, Great, & Good, since seeing you we see 
                                [poem incomplete in microfilm; ff.78v and 79r missing in microfilm;  
                                next item in film is the end of Storm]
Storm      C9.82  ff. 79v       HE   XC To Mr Christopher Brooke from the / Island voyage with the                                   
                                     Earle of Essex. / The Storme. [microfilm omits page containing HE]                                   
                                Thou which art I, (tis nothing to be so)
                                [microfilm omits page containing ll. 1-27; l. 28: waues like a rolling                                    
                                trench before them threw.]
Calm       C9.83  ff. 80r-81r   HE   The Calme.  
                                Or storme is past, & that Stormes tyrannous rage 
MHPaper    C9.84  ff. 81r-81v   HE   To Mrs M. H.  
                                Madd paper stay & grudge not heere to burne 
                                [written in 4-line stanzas]                                  
EpEliz     C9.85  ff. 82r-83v   HE   Epithalamions./ Vpon ffrederick Count Palatine/ and the Lady 
                                     Elizabeth marryed/ on St Valentines day.  
                                Hayle Bishop Valentine whose day this is 
                                [written in 14-line stanzasEpLin      C9.86  ff. 84r-85v   HE   Epithalamion on a Citizen.  
                                The Sunne beames in ye East are spredd 
                                [written in numbered 12-line stanzasEclog      C9.87  ff. 86r-89v   HE   Eclogue. 1613. December: 26.  
                                Allophanes/Vnseasonable man, statue of Ice                                                                 
Res        C9.88  ff. 90r       HE   The Resurrection. Imp%Pfect [right of HE]
                                Sleepe sleepe old Sunne, thou canst not haue repast                                
Annun      C9.89  ff. 90v-91r   HE   Vpon the Annunciation & Passion/ falling on one day: Anno: Do: 1618.                                 
                                Tamely fraile flesh, abstaine to day, to day
nc         C9.90  ff. 91r-91v   HE   om [below last line Quare if Donnes.]
                                Nature amaz'd saw man without mans ayde 
Cor1       C9.91  ff. 92r       HE   The Crowne:| 
                                Daigne at my handes this Crowne of prayer & prayse                                 
Cor2       C9.92  ff. 92r       HE   2                                  
                                Saluation to all that will is nigh
Cor3       C9.93  ff. 92r-92v   HE   3 
                                Im%Mensity cloysterd in thy deare womb                                
Cor4       C9.94  ff. 92v       HE   4  
                                With his kind mother who partakes thy woe                                
Cor5       C9.95  ff. 92v-93r   HE   5 
                                By miracles exceeding power of man                                                                
Cor6       C9.96  ff. 93r       HE   6 
                                Moyst wth one drop of thy bloud, my dry soule                                
Cor7       C9.97  ff. 93r-93v   HE   7 
                                Salute ye last & Euerlasting day                                                                
Father     C9.98  ff. 93v       HE   Christo Saluatori
                                Wilt thou forgiue that sin where I begunnenc  
                                [written in 6-line stanzas]
HSMade     C9.99  ff. 94r       HE   Diuine Meditations./ 1 
                                Thou hast made me, & shall thy worke decaync                                
HSDue      C9.100 ff. 94r       HE   2 
                                As due by many titles I resigne                                
HSSighs    C9.101 ff. 94v       HE   3 
                                Oh might those sighs & teares returne againe                                
HSPart     C9.102 ff. 94v       HE   4 
                                ffather, part of his double Interest                                                                
HSBlack    C9.103 ff. 95r       HE   5 
                                Oh my black Soule now yu art sum%Moned                                
HSScene    C9.104 ff. 95r       HE   6 
                                This is my Playes last Scene, heere Heauens appoint                                
HSLittle   C9.105 ff. 95v       HE   7 
                                I am a little world made cunningly                                
HSRound    C9.106 ff. 95v       HE   8 
                                At ye round Earths imagind Corners blowe                                
HSMin      C9.107 ff. 96r       HE   9 
                                If poysonous mineralls, or if the tree                                
HSSouls    C9.108 ff. 96r       HE   10 
                                If faithfull Soules be alike glorifyd                                
HSDeath    C9.109 ff. 96v       HE   11 
                                Death, be not proud, though some haue called thee                                
HSWilt     C9.110 ff. 96v       HE   12 
                                Wilt thou loue God as hee theenc Then digest                                
HSSpit     C9.111 ff. 97r       HE   Other Meditations 
                                Spitt in my face ye Jewes, & peirce my Side.                                
HSWhy      C9.112 ff. 97r       HE   om 
                                Why are wee by all creatures wayted onnc                                
HSWhat     C9.113 ff. 97v       HE   om 
                                What if this present were ye worlds last nightnc
HSBatter   C9.114 ff. 97v       HE   om 
                                Batter my heart, Three-persond God, for you                                
Christ     C9.115 ff. 98r       HE   At the Sea-side, going ouer with the/ Ld Doncaster. 1619 
                                In what torne ship so euer I embarke
                                [f. 98v blank except for CW: >>Sonnetts<< in bottom right corner]
ValMourn   C9.116 ff. 99r       HE   Sonnets and Songes/ Vpon the parting from his Mistresse/ 
                                     Valediction. i. 
                                As virtuous men passe mildly away                                 
ValWeep    C9.117 ff. 99v-100r  HE   Valediction: 2: of Teares.  
                                Let me powre forth 
                                [written in 9-line stanzasValBook    C9.118 ff. 100r-v    HE   Valediction: 3. of the Booke  
                                Ile tell thee now (Deare Loue) what thou shalt doe 
                                [written in 9-line stanzasValName    C9.119 ff. 101r-02r  HE   Valediction. 4: Of * Glasse/  Vpon the Engrauing of his  
                                     name with a Diamond in his/ Mistrisse window when hee was  
                                     to Trauell.  
                                My name engrau'd heerin 
                                [written in 6-line stanzasLovAlch    C9.120 ff. 102r      HE   Mum%My.  
                                Some that haue deeper diggd Loues Mine then I 
                                [written in 12-line stanzasTwick      C9.121 ff. 102v      HE   Twicknam Garden 
                                Blasted with sighs & surrounded wth teares 
                                [written in 9-line stanzasTriple     C9.122 ff. 103r      HE   A Songe  
                                I am 2 fooles I know
                                [written in 11-line stanzasAppar      C9.123 ff. 103r-v    HE   An Apparition 
                                When by thy scorne, o murdresse, I am dead                                 
nc         C9.124 ff. 103v      HE   Sonnett.  
                                Madame that flea which crept betweene your brests 
WomCon     C9.125 ff. 103v      HE   Womans Constancy:| 
                                Now thou hast lou'd me one whole day                                 
Compu      C9.126 ff. 104r      HE   om  
                                ffor my first Twenty yeares since yesterday 
Break      C9.127 ff. 104r      HE   Sonnet 
                                Tis true, tis day, what though it beenc                                
                                [written in numbered 6-line stanzas]
Canon      C9.128 ff. 104v-05r  HE   The Canonization. 
                                ffor Gods sake hold your tongue, & lett mee Loue 
                                [written in 9-line stanzasSunRis     C9.129 ff. 105r-v    HE   Ad Solem. To the Sunne|/ Song 
                                Busy old foole, vnruly Sun
                                [written in 10-line stanzasLeg        C9.130 ff. 105v      HE   Songe.
                                When I dy'd last, (& deare I dye 
                                [written in 8-line stanzasBroken     C9.131 ff. 106r      HE   om  
                                Hee is starke madd who euer sayes 
                                [written in 8-line stanzasMess       C9.132 ff. 106v      HE   Songe.  
                                Send home my long strayd eyes to mee 
                                [written in 8-line stanzasImage      C9.133 ff. 107r      HE   [scribal flourish instead of HE]
                                Image of her whom I loue more then shee                                 
LovDiet    C9.134 ff. 107v      HE   Loues Diett  
                                To what a cumbersome vnweildinesse 
                                [written in 6-line stanzasLovDeity   C9.135 ff. 108r      HE   Loues Deitye  
                                I long to talke with some old Louers Ghost, 
                                [written in 7-line stanzas separated only by spacesWill       C9.136 ff. 108v-09r  HE   The Will|  
                                Before I sigh my last gaspe; lett me breath 
                                [written in 9-line stanzasNegLov     C9.137 ff. 109v      HE   Negatiue Loue, or The Nothinge.  
                                I neuer stoopd so low as they 
                                [written in 9-line stanzasJet        C9.138 ff. 109v      HE   A Jeat ring Sent.  
                                Thou art not so black as my heart 
                                [written in 4-line stanzasDream      C9.139 ff. 110r      HE   The Dreame.  
                                Deare loue for nothing lesse then thee 
                                [written in 10-line stanzasFever      C9.140 ff. 110v      HE   The Fever.  
                                Oh do not dye for I shall hate 
                                [written in 4-line stanzasFlea       C9.141 ff. 111r      HE   The Flea.  
                                Marke but this flea, & marke in this 
                                [written in 9-line stanzasLect       C9.142 ff. 111v      HE   The Shaddow. 
                                Stand still & I will reade to thee 
                                [written in 13-line stanzasLovGrow    C9.143 ff. 112r      HE   The Spring.  
                                I scarce beleeue my Loue to bee so pure 
                                [written in 14-line stanzasAir        C9.144 ff. 112v      HE   Ayre & Angells.  
                                Twice or thrice had I lou'd thee 
                                [written in 14-line stanzasWitch      C9.145 ff. 113r      HE   Picture.  
                                I fix mine eye on thine & there 
                                [written in 7-line stanzas] 
nc         C9.146 ff. 113r      HE   The Hower glasse.  
                                Doe but consider this small dust                                 
Ecst       C9.147 ff. 113v-14v  HE   The Extasy [>>F.<< above HE] 
                                Where like a pillow on a bed
                                [written in 4-line stanzasFun        C9.148 ff. 114v      HE   The Funerall. 
                                Who euer comes to shrowde me, do not harme 
                                [written in 8-line stanzasRelic      C9.149 ff. 115r      HE   The Relique|  
                                When my Graue is broke vp againe 
                                [written in 11-line stanzasCurse      C9.150 ff. 115v      HE   The Curse.  
                                Who euer guesses, thinkes or dreames he knowes 
                                [written in 8-line stanzasBlos       C9.151 ff. >>115a<<  HE   The Blossome.  
                                Little thinkst thou poore flower 
                                [written in 8-line stanzasPrim       C9.152 ff. >>115av<< HE   The Primrose  
                                Vpon this Primrose hill 
                                [written in 10-line stanzasDamp       C9.153 ff. 116r      HE   The Damp  
                                When I am dead & Doctors know not why 
                                [written in 8-line stanzasDissol     C9.154 ff. 116v      HE   The Dissolution. 
                                Shees dead, & all that dye 
Noct       C9.155 ff. 117r-v    HE   A Nocturnall vpon St Lucyes day/ being the shortest day. 
                                Tis the yeares Midnight, & it is the dayes 
                                [written in 9-line stanzasExpir      C9.156 ff. 117v      HE   Ualediction. 
                                So so, leaue off this last lamenting kisse 
                                [written in 6-line stanzas] 
nc         C9.157 ff. 117v      HE   Sonnett 
                                Stay o%C Sweete & doe not rise 
GoodM      C9.158 ff. 118r      HE   om [scribal flourish instead of HE] 
                                I wonder by my troth what thou & I 
                                [written in 7-line stanzasSSweet     C9.159 ff. 118r-v    HE   Song 
                                Sweetest Loue, I do not goe 
                                [written in 8-line stanzasLovExch    C9.160 ff. 118v-19r  HE   om [scribal flourish instead of HE] 
                                Loue, any Deuill else but you
                                [written in 7-line stanzasLovUsury   C9.161 ff. 119v      HE   om [scribal flourish instead of HE] 
                                ffor euery hower that thou wilt spare me now 
                                [written in 8-line stanzasProhib     C9.162 ff. 119v-20r  HE   om [scribal flourish instead of HE] 
                                Take heed of Louing me 
                                [written in 8-line stanzasSGo        C9.163 ff. 120r      HE   om [scribal flourish instead of HE] 
                                Goe & catch a falling starre 
                                [written in 9-line stanzasInd        C9.164 ff. 120v      HE   om [scribal flourish instead of HE] 
                                I can loue both faire & browne 
                                [written in 9-line stanzasAnniv      C9.165 ff. 120v-21r  HE   om [scribal flourish instead of HE] 
                                All kinges & all their fauourites 
                                [written in 10-line stanzasConfL      C9.166 ff. 121r-v    HE   om [scribal flourish instead of HE] 
                                Some man vnworthy to be possessor 
                                [written in 7-line stanzasCommun     C9.167 ff. 121v      HE   om [scribal flourish instead of HE] 
                                Good wee must loue, & must hate ill 
                                [written in 6-line stanzasBait       C9.168 ff. 122r      HE   Songe. 
                                Come liue with me & be my loue 
                                [written in 4-line stanzasUnder      C9.169 ff. 122v      HE   om [scribal flourish instead of HE] 
                                I haue done one brauer thinge 
                                [written in 4-line stanzasLovInf     C9.170 ff. 123r      HE   om [scribal flourish instead of HE] 
                                If yet I haue not all thy loue 
                                [written in 11-line stanzas] 
nc         C9.171 ff. 123v      HE   om [scribal flourish instead of HE] 
                                Deare loue continew nice & chast 
                                [written in 4-line stanzas] 
nc         C9.172 ff. 124r      HE   Sonnet. [quere, if Donnes.| right of HE] 
                                If I freely may discouer 
                                [first 9 lines separated from last 10 linesPara       C9.173 ff. 124r-v    HE   om [scribal flourish instead of HE] 
                                No louer saith I loue, nor any other                                 
                                [even lines indented]
nc         C9.174 ff. 124v      HE   Songe. 
                                Now y'haue killd mee with your Scorne 
                                [written in 10-line stanzas] 
nc         C9.175 ff. 124v-25r  HE   Songe 
                                Soules joy, now I am gon 
                                [first 15 lines separated from last 11 lines] 
                                [bottom half of f. 125r blank except for Finis|] 
nc prose   C9.176 ff. 125v      HE   om [2 in upper right corner]
                                Take two roses, a Carnation, a pinke, 3 branches of speeke
                                [top of f. 125v is blank; this item is near the bottom of the folio]

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