First-Line Index to TT2
ms. Dalhousie II, Texas Tech University
Compiled by JoAnna Klein from the facsimile of Ernest W. Sullivan, II
In left-to-right order, each item listed below is identified
by (a) its Donne Variorum short form (nc = noncanonical; pr = prose), (b)
a siglum-plus-ordinal-position item tag, (c) its location in the artifact
(by folio or page nos.), and (d) diplomatic transcriptions of its heading
(HE) and first line.
nc pr TT2.1,
f. 1 HE [om]
Sett in the kitching gardine; the 28th of september
nc pr TT2.2,
f. 1v HE [om]
In my defenc god me defend and bring
f. 2r-v [blank]
TT2.3, f. 3
HE [om]
My deare and onelie loue tak heede, least fame a fault descry.
[l.2] If thou now longing louers feede; vponne thy wandring eye
f. 3v [blank]
TT2.4, f. 4
HE [om]
My deere and onlie loue tak heed
[l.2] Lest thou thye face expose
TT2.5, f. 4v
HE [om]
My deere and onlie loue tak heed
[l.2] how thou thy loue disclose
ElProg TT2.6,
ff. 5-6 HE [om]
Who ever loues, if he doe not propose
f. 6v [blank]
TT2.7, ff. 7-8 HE
If kinges did heretofore there loues indite
f. 8v [blank]
ElBrac TT2.8,
f. 9-10 HE [om]
Not that in colour it was like thy haire
TT2.9, f. 10
HE [om]
Vnto that sparklinge witt that spirritt of fire
f. 10v [blank]
Curse TT2.10,
f. 11 HE %XThe Cursse
Who ever guesses, thinkes, or dreames he knowes
Mess TT2.11,
f. 11v HE %XSong
Send home my longe strayed eies to me[e]
TT2.12, f. 12r-v HE [om]
Not kisse? by loue I must and make Impression
TT2.13, f. 13
HE [om]
Beware fayre Mayde; of musicke courtiers oathes
TT2.14, f. 13
HE [om]
Lost Iewells may be recouered, virginite never:|
TT2.15, f. 13
HE [om]
Yst for a fauoure, or for some dislike
TT2.16, f. 13v HE
%XA songe
I die when as I doe not see
TT2.17, f. 13v HE
Onste and no more, so sayd my loue
TT2.18, f. 13v HE
ffor a louinge constant hart
TT2.19, f. 14
HE %XA songe
When my hart seemes most ingaged
f. 14v [blank]
ElPerf TT2.20,
f. 15r-v HE %XElegia 3.
Once and but once found in thy company
ELChange TT2.21, f.
16 HE %XEligia.
Although thy hand and faith and good workes too
ElWar TT2.22,
f. 16v HE %XEligia 5.
When I have peace wth thee warr other men
ElBed TT2.23,
f. 17 HE %XElegia:
Come Maddame come all rest my powers defie
ElAut TT2.24,
f. 17v HE Widdowe Her
No springe nor summer beautie hath such grace
Storm TT2.25,
f. 18r-v HE %XA Storme
Thou wch art I (tis nothing to be soe
Calm TT2.26,
f. 19 HE %XA Calme
Our storme is past and that stormes tirannous rage
RWThird TT2.27,
f. 19v HE [om]
Like one who in her third widdowhood doth professe
HWNews TT2.28,
f. 20 HE [om]
Here is no more newes then vertue I may as well
TT2.29, f. 20v HE
Deere loue contynue nice and chaste
TT2.30, f. 21
HE [om]
Wonder of Beautie Goddesse of my sence
TT2.31, f. 21
HE [om]
ffaire Eies doe not thinke scorne to read of loue
TT2.32, f. 21v HE
%XCarold for new yeeres day 1624
Tymes have there seasons and doe comprehend
TT2.33, f. 22
HE [om]
The worlds['s] a buble, and the lyfe of man
TT2.34, f. 22v HE
When I died last and deare I die
Broken TT2.35,
f. 23 HE %XElegie
Hee is stark madd who ever sayes
GoodM TT2.36,
f. 23v HE [om]
I wonder by my trothe what thow and I
Break TT2.37,
f. 23v HE [om]
T'is true t'is day what though it bee
Triple TT2.38,
f. 24 HE [om]
I am two fooles I know
LovDiet TT2.39,
f. 24r-v HE %XLoues Dyett
To whatt a cumbersome vnwildines
ValMourn TT2.40, ff. 24v-25
HE %XElegie
As vertuous men pas mildlie away
ElServe TT2.41,
f. 25r-v HE %XElegie
Oh let me not mee serue so, as those men serue
Will TT2.42,
ff. 25v-26 HE %XLoues Legacie
Before I sighe my last gaspe let me breath
TT2.43, ff. 26-27 HE %XTo the Countesse
of Rutland
Madame / So may my verses pleasing bee
ElExpost TT2.44, f.
27r-v HE %XElegie
To make the doubt more cleare that no wo^man's true
TT2.45, f. 28
HE %XA Song
Goe and catch a falling starr
LovDeity TT2.46, f.
28v HE %XLoues dietie
I long to talk with some old louers ghost
Flea TT2.47,
f. 29 HE [om]
Mark but this flea and mark in this
Commun TT2.48,
f. 29r-v HE [om]
Good wee must loue and must hate ill
WomCon TT2.49,
f. 29v HE [om]
Now thow hast lou'd mee one whole day
TT2.50, f. 30r-v HE [om]
Goe soule the bodies guest
TT2.51, ff. 30v-31 HE %XThe fruites of
a good Conscience
To shyne in silk and glister all in gold
ElAnag TT2.52,
f. 31r-v HE [om]
Marie and loue thy flauia for shee
TT2.53, f. 31v HE
I die when as I do not sie
TT2.54, f. 32
HE [om]
Once and no more soe sayd my loue
TT2.55, f. 32v HE
Hade shee a glase and feard the fyre
TT2.56, f. 32v HE
[My de][faded]
My dead and buried loue is resin againe
TT2.57, f. 32v HE
Why doe yee giue mee leaue to sip
TT2.58, f. 33
HE %XCarold for newe yeares day. 1624
Tymes haue there seasones and doe comprehend
f. 33v [blank]
TT2.59, f. 34
HE [om]
All that hath eyes, now wake and weepe
TT2.60, f. 34v HE
%XAn Epitaph vpon the / %XDuke off Buckinghame
Dearling off Kings, Patrone off armes,