In left-to-right order, each item listed below is identified by (a) its Donne Variorum short form (noncan = noncanonical), (b) a siglum-plus-ordinal-position item tag, (c) its location in the artifact (by folio or page nos.), and (d) diplomatic transcriptions of its heading (HE) and first line.
Additional information: Beal describes this volume as a composite ms., ff. 230-99v comprising an independent verse miscellany which includes 47 Donne poems. See Beal for comments on ff. 300-08.
f. 230 non-scribal notes and doodles f. 230v blank noncan B30.1 f. 231r-v HE |Prolegomenae%L quae%Lstam| (4) Painter while there thou sitst drawing the sight, noncan B30.2 f. 231v HE [om] [LM, 2] When will come that happye season noncan B30.3 f. 232 HE [om] [LM, 3] Calling to mynd, myne eyes went long about noncan B30.4 f. 232 HE [om] [LM, 4] I and my loue, for kisses playd noncan B30.5 f. 232v HE An Epitaph. [LM, 5] Within this marble Casket lyes noncan B30.6 f. 232v HE [om] [LM, .6:] I Earle of Nothing am, and iustlie soe noncan B30.7 f. 232v HE [om] [LM, .7.] My spirit ioyeth in the Combat of the tilt noncan B30.8 f. 232v HE [om] [LM, .8.] All afterwitts are like a shower of rayne noncan B30.9 f. 232v HE [om] [LM, 9] Dull Citizens god grannt yor trees may grow noncan B30.10 f. 233 HE Sr Iohn Harrington to Queene Elizabeth [LM, .10.] Dread soveraigne and ever loving Prince noncan B30.11 f. 233 HE [om] [LM, .11.] In Elder tymes the Anncyent custome was noncan B30.12 f. 233v HE What a woeman is [LM, .12.] O heauenly powers whie did you bring to light noncan B30.13 ff. 233v-234 HE A Translation [LM, 13] A Taylor thought a man of vpright dealing [text on f. 234 has been scratched out] noncan B30.14 f. 234v HE [om] [LM, 14:] How happy is he borne or taught,that seruethnoncan B30.15 f. 235 HE [om] [LM, .15.] The man of liest vpright, whose guiltles liest is free noncan B30.16 f. 235r-v HE [om] [LM, .16.] O faithles world and thy most faithles part Bait B30.17 ff. 235v-36 HE [om] [LM, 17] Come liue wth me and be my loue noncan B30.18 f. 236-37 HE Ode [LM, .18.] Where dost thou careles lye noncan B30.19 f. 237r-v HE Ode [LM, .19.] If men and tymes were now noncan B30.20 f. 238 HE [om] [LM, 20] Scorne or some humble fate, ElPart B30.21 ff. 238v-40 HE Elegie [LM, -2i.] Since shee must goe and I must mourne; come night noncan B30.22 ff. 240v-41 HE To Sicknesse. >>Ode Anareon:<< [LM, .22.] Whie, disease, dost thou molest noncan B30.23 f. 241v HE Of our sence of Synne [LM, 23] Vengance Will set aboue or faults; but till noncan B30.24 ff. 242-43 HE Parte of the xviijth Epistle of Horace hb:1. /translated into English. ad sollium [LM, 24] But, that I forth aduice, (if any need noncan B30.25 f. 243r-v HE A speech out of Lucane [LM, 25] Iust and fit actions Ptolemey (he saith) noncan B30.26 ff. 243v-45v HE To the Countesse of Rutland / An Elegie Madame| [LM, .26.] Whilst that for wthall vertue now is sould, Para B30.27 ff. 245v-46 HE [om] [LM, 27] No louer saith I loue, nor anie other ElExpost B30.28 ff. 246-47 HE Elegie [LM, .28.] To make the doubt clere that no womans true noncan B30.29 f. 247v HE A translacon [LM,3029.] There is no Woman good at all, or if some good be bad; noncan B30.30 ff. 247v-48 HE An Epistle to Ben: Iohnson [LM, S:rI:K: /30|] The state andmens>humane< affayres, are the best playes noncan B30.31 f. 248r-v HE Another to Ben: Iohnson [LM, 31 3i][sic] If great men wrong me, I will spare myselfe: noncan B30.32 ff. 248v-50 HE An Elegie: [LM, 32 S:rI:K:] Come fates, I feare yee[sic] not, all whom I owe noncan B30.33 ff. 250-51v HE An ode in Horrace in prayse of a / Cuntrye lief: translated: [LM, 33] Happy is******eHe that fro%M all busines clere noncan B30.34 ff. 251v-52 HE A paradox / Loue is no fier: [LM, .34.] Who soe tearmes loue a fier, may like a poet noncan B30.35 f. 252 HE An Epitaph vppon the Ladye Markham. [LM, :35.] A mayde, a wief, shee liu'd, a wydowe, dyed, noncan B30.36 f. 252r-v HE P [LM, .36.] If hr*r[sic?] disdaine least change in you can move noncan B30.37 ff. 252v-53 HE R [LM, .37.] Tis loue breeds loue in me, and could disdaine noncan B30.38 ff. 253-54 HE P [LM, .38.] Shall loue that gaue Latonae's heire the foyle noncan B30.39 ff. 254-56 HE R [LM, .39.] No prayse it is that him whome pithon stew Lect B30.40 f. 256r-v HE [om] [LM, .40.] Stand still and I will read to thee noncan B30.41 ff. 257-59 HE To Sr Robt Wroth in praise of a Cuntry Lief, / Epode. [LM, .41.] How blest art thou canst loue the Cuntry [LM]>Wroth.< Twick B30.42 f. 259r-v HE [om] [LM, .42. >>ID<<] Blasted wth sighes, and surrounded wth teares noncan B30.43 f. 259v HE [om] [LM, .43.] In=Constancy the greatest sinns BoulRec B30.44 ff. 260-61 HE An Eligie on Mrs Bou>%Vl<stred [not ital] [LM, .44.] >>ID<<] Death I recan>d%>t<, and say, vnsaid by mee noncan B30.45 f. 261v HE Epitaph. [LM, .45|] Stay view this stone; And, if thou beest not s[gutter] noncan B30.46 ff. 261v-62 HE Another [LM, .46.] Me thincks, Death like one laughing lyes Break B30.47 f. 262v HE [om] [LM, .47. / >>I D<<] Tis trew, tis day; what though it bee? Canon B30.48 ff. 262v-63v HE [om] [LM, .48. / >>ID<<] ffor Godsake hould yor toung and let me %V\lou[gutter] LovInf B30.49 ff. 263v-64v HE [om] [LM, .49. / >>ID<<] If >+\yt< yett I haue not all yor loue Mark B30.50 ff. 264v-65v HE An Eligye on ye Lady Markh:m [LM, ._50. / >>ID<<] Man is the World, and Death the'Ocean ValWeep B30.51 f. 266 HE A valediction. [LM, .51.| / >>ID<<] [ind]Lett me power forth Air B30.52 f. 266v HE [om] [LM, .52:. / >>ID<<] Twice or thrice had I loued thee Image B30.53 f. 267 HE [om] [LM, .53. / >>ID<<] Image of her, whome I loue more then shee Prohib B30.54 f. 267v HE [om] [LM, .54.] Take heed of loving mee noncan B30.55 ff. 268-69 HE To the Countesse of Rutland [LM, Madam.| / .55.] Soe may my verses pleasing bee noncan B30.56 f. 269r-v HE Elegye on the Lady Markham [flourishes] / by C: L: of B. [LM, .56.] Death be not proud, thy hand gaue not this blow ValMourn B30.57 f. 270r-v HE A valediction [LM, .57. / >>ID<<] As vertuous men passe myldly away Triple B30.58 ff. 270v-71 HE Song [LM, 58 / >>ID<<] [ind]I am two ffooles I know ElAut B30.59 ff. 271-72 HE Eligy Autumnall.| [LM, .59. / >>ID<<] No Spring, nor Summer bewty hath such grace[gutter] Leg B30.60 f. 272r-v HE Song. [LM, .60. / >>ID<<] When I dyed last and deare, I dy ValBook B30.61 ff. 273-74 HE [om] [LM, .62. / >>ID<<] Ile tell theethenow (deare loue) what thou shalt do[trimmed] [Written item numbers in ms. skip from .60. to .62.] GoodM B30.62 f. 274r-v HE [om] [LM, |.63. / >>ID|<<] I wonder by my troth what thou and I RWThird B30.63 ff. 274v-75 HE A Letter [LM, |64 / >>I D<<] Like one who in her third widowhed ValName B30.64 ff. 275v-76v HE A Valediction of my name / in the Window.| [LM, .65. / >>ID<<] [ind]My name engrau'd herein Broken B30.65 f. 277r-v HE [S]onge[top half trimmed] [LM, .66. / >>ID<<] He is stark mad, who euer saies, Curse B30.66 ff. 277v-78 HE The Curse [LM, 67 / >>ID<<] Who euer guesses, thinckes, or dreames he knows Witch B30.67 f. 278r-v HE Songe [LM, 68 / >>ID<<] [ind]I fix myne Eie on thine, and there LovUsury B30.68 ff. 278v-79 HE [om] [LM, .69. / >>I D<<] ffor euery hower, that thou wilt spare me now Fever B30.69 f. 279r-v HE A Feuer [LM, .70. / >>I D<<] Oh doe not dye, for I shall hate BedfReas B30.70 ff. 279v-81 HE To the Countesse of Bedford [LM, Madame.| / .71. / >>ID<<] You haue refin'd me, and to worthiest thinges Ind B30.71 f. 281r-v HE A song [LM, .72. / >>I D<<] I Can loue both fayre and browne BedfCab B30.72 ff. 281v-82 HE Epitaph [LM, Madam| / .73. / >>ID<<] That I might make yor Cabynet my tombe [Scribe records a separate HE (To all) between ll. 6 & 7; written item number .74. in LM at l. 7.] Appar B30.73 f. 282r-v HE An Apparition [LM, .75. / >>ID<<] When by thy scorne O%C Murderers,[sic] I am dead, noncan B30.74 ff. 282v-83 HE Songe [LM, 7-6] Who will say noncan B30.75 ff. 283-84 HE Eligie.| [LM, .77.] Is tyme so pricelesse, or one wasted hower BoulNar B30.76 ff. 284-85v HE Eligieof>>%Von<< Mrs Boulstred. [LM, 78] Languag[sic] thou art to narrowe, and to weake BedfShe B30.77 ff. 285v-86v HE Elegie / To the Countes of Bedford [LM, 79] You that are she>e<, and you thates double shee, SGo B30.78 ff. 286v-87 HE Songe [LM, .80. / >>ID.<<] Go and Catch a falling starre Commun B30.79 f. 287r-v HE [om] [LM, .81. / >>ID<<] Good we must loue, and most[sic] hate ill, Anniv B30.80 ff. 287v-88 HE [om] [LM, .82. / >>ID<<] All Kinges and all their favorytes WomCon B30.81 f. 288v HE [om] [LM, .83. / >>ID<<] Now thou hast loued mee one whole day, SSweet B30.82 ff. 288v-89 HE Song [LM, .84. / >>ID<<] Sweetest loue I do no goe for wearynes of %V\thee Flea B30.83 f. 289v HE [om] [LM, .85. / >>ID<<] Marke but this flea and marke in this LovExch B30.84 f. 290r-v HE [om] [LM, .86. / >>ID<<] Loue, any diuell else but you LovAlch B30.85 f. 291 HE Mummie [LM, .87. / >>ID<<] Some that haue deeper digg'd loues myne then I, noncan B30.86 ff. 291v-92 HE [om] [LM, . 88.] When all who seeme to loue by saying so noncan B30.87 f. 292r-v HE Epigrame. [LM, .89.] Good Madame ffowler doe not trouble mee noncan B30.88 ff. 292v-93 HE [om] [LM, .90.] Deare Loue Continew nice and Chast, Ecst B30.89 ff. 293v-95 HE Exta**e[rendered illegible by 2d hand scribble] [LM, .91. / >>ID<<] Where like a Pillow on a bedd Under B30.90 f. 295r-v HE [om] [LM, .92. / >>ID<<] I haue don one brauer thing, LovDeity B30.91 ff. 295v-96 HE Loue>>e<< s Diety[sic] [LM, 93. / >>I.D<<] I long to talke wth some ould lours ghost LovDiet B30.92 ff. 296v-97 HE Loues Dyett. [LM, .94. / >>ID<<] To what a Cumbersome vnweildynes Will B30.93 ff. 297-98 HE The Will [LM, .95. / >>ID<<] Before I sigh my last gaspe, lett me breath[trimmed] f. 298v blank noncan B30.94 f. 299 [om] ffor bearringe all the gattes of sinne.| noncan B30.95 f. 299 Yf I might w>*%>i< she what I woude haue f. 299v blank f. 300r-v blank but for false start of next item: Each woman is* noncan B30.96 ff. 301-08v HE A Wife| Each Woman is a breife of Womankynde