Digital Donne: the Online Variorum

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To the Honourable Knight, Sir
R o b e r t K a r r e.


Your mans haste gives me the advan-
tage, that I am excusable in a short
Letter, else I should not pardon it to my
selfe. I shall obey your commandment of
comming so neare you upon Michaelmas
day, as by a Message to aske you whether
that or the next morning bee the fittest to
sollicite your further Favour. You un-
derstand all Vertue so well, as you may be
pleased to call to minde what thankeful-
nesse and services are due to you from me,
and beleeve them all to bee expressed in
this ragge of Paper, which gives you new
assurance, that I am ever

Your most humble servant

J. Donne.
[CW: To] .

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