Digital Donne: the Online Variorum

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Previous image Next image The 1654 Prose Letters  Letter 2 (p.3)

To the worthiest Lady Mrs. B. W.

I think the letters which I send to you
single lose themselves by the way for
want of a guide, or faint for want of com-
pany. Now, that on your part there be no
excuse, after three single letters, I send three
together, that every one of them may have
two witnesses of their delivery. They come
also to waite upon another letter from Sr E.
Herbert, of whose recovery from a Fever,
you may apprehend a perfecter content-
ment then we, because you had none of
the former sorrow. I am an Heretique if
it be sound Doctrine, that pleasure tasts
best after sorrow. For my part, I can love
health well enough, though I be never sick;
and I never needed my Mistris frowns and
disfavours, to make her favours acceptable
to me. In States, it is a weakness to stand
upon a defensive war, and safer not to be
invaded, then to have overcome: so in our
souls health, an innocence is better then the
[CW: hearti-]

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