Digital Donne: the Online Variorum

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Previous image Next imageThe 1654 Prose Letters  Letter 93, cont., and Letter 94 (p.259)

ence to your commandement, as one
poor testimony that I am

Your affectionate servant

J. Donne.

To my very worthy friend Mr George

This is the fourth of this moneth, and
I receive your Pacquet so late, that I
have scarce waking time enough to tell
you so, or to write any thing but dreams.
I have both your Letters, mother and
daughter, and am gladder of them, then if
I had the mother and daughter here in our
neighbourhood; you know I mean Sir
H. Gooderes parties. Sir, you do me double
honour when my name passes through
you to that Noble Lady in whose presence
you are. It is a better end and a better way
[CW: to]

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