Digital Donne: the Online Variorum

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Previous image Next imageThe 1654 Prose Letters  Letter 92, cont. (p.257)

exercise of armes then running at the Quin-
tain, and the Ring, you may be bold to
say Pardone moy. Sir, this messenger makes
so much haste that I cry you mercy for
spending any time of this Letter, in other
imployment, then thanking you for
yours, and promising you more before
my remove from hence. I pray venture no
Letter to me by any other way then M.
John Bruer at the Queens Armes a Mercer
in Cheapside, who is always like to know
where we are; And make me by loving
me still, worthy to be

Your friend and servant

J. Donne.
[CW: To]

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