Digital Donne: the Online Variorum

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stowed upon that one Letter, which is by
your favour, to meet me, and to welcome
to London

Your unworthy, but very

true Friend,

J. Donne.


It is one ill Affection of a desperate
debtor, that he dares not come to an ac-
count, nor take knowledge how much he
owes; this makes me that I dare not tell
you how manie letters I have received from
you since I came to this Towne; I had three
the first by the Cooke, who brought none
but yours, nor ever came to me, to let me
know what became of the rest: the two o-
ther of the 7. and 8. of March, came in a let-
ter which Sir H. Wotton writ to me from
[CW: Amyens;]

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