certain heads which I purposed to enlarge,
for I have them not in any other paper:
and I may find time in your absence to do
it, because I know no stronger argument
to move you to love me, but because you
have done so, doe so still, to make my rea-
son better, and I shall at last prescribe in
Micham Wednesday.
To Sir H.G. at Polesworth.
This 25 I have your letter of 21, which
I tell you so punctually, because by it,
nor by any other, I doe not discern that you
received my pacquet of Books; not that I
looked for so quick a return of the Sermon,
nor of my Cases of conscience, but that I
forget so absolutely what I write, and am
so sure that I write confidently to you, that
it is some pain to remain in any jealousie
that any Letter is miscarried. That which
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