selfe upon Tuesday, if Tamworth carrier be
in town. To the particulars of the Letter
to my self, I will give this paper, and line.
Of my Lady Bedford, I must say so much
as must importune you to burn the Letter;
for I would say nothing of her upon record,
that should not testifie my thankfulnesse
for all her graces. But upon this motion,
which I made to her by letter, and by Sr Tho..
Roes assistance, if any scruple should arise
in her, she was somewhat more startling,
then I looked for from her: she had more
suspicion of my calling, a better memory
of my past life, then I had thought her no-
bility could have admitted: of all which,
though I humbly thank God, I can make
good use, as one that needs as many remem-
brances in that kinde, as not only friends
but enemies can present, yet I am afraid,
they proceed in her rather from some ill
impression taken from D. Burges, then that
they grow in her self. But whosoever be the
conduit, the water is the holy Ghosts, and
in that acceptation I take it. For her other
[CW: way]