him in that hope of seeing you on this side
the water; and if you should hold that pur-
pose of comming at that time, I should re-
pent extremely my laying of our journies;
for (if we should by miracle hold any reso-
lution) we should be in England about that
time, so that I might misse you both here,
and there. Sir, our greatest businesse is
more in our power then the least, and we
may be surer to meet in heaven then in any
place upon earth; and whilst we are distant
here, we may meet as often as we list in
Gods presence, by soliciting in our prayers
for one another. I received 4 Letters from
you at Spâ by long circuits. In the last, one
from my L. Dorset: I, who had a consci-
ence of mine own unworthinese of any fa-
vour from him, could not chuse but present
my thanks for the least. I do not therefore
repent my forwardnesse in that office; and I
beseech you not to repent your part therein.
Since we came to this Town, there arrived
an Extraordinary from Spain, with a recon-
firmation of the D.d'Aumals Pension, which
[CW: is]