I never met it abroad. This is my third let-
ter, all which I sent by Spelty whom my
boy found at Abington house. I have now
two of the best happinesses which could
befall me, upon me; which are, to be a
widower and my wife alive, which may
make you know, that it is but for you ease,
that this letter is no longer, in this leasure in
which (having nothing else to write) I
might vary a thousand ways that I am
Monday at night. Your very affectionate servant
J. Donne.
To my worthy friend G.K.
I receive this heare that I begin this re-
turn, your Letter by a servant of Sir G.
Greseley, by whom also I hasten this dis-
patch. This needs no enlargement since it
hath the honour to convey one from M.
Gherard. But though by telling me, it was
a bold letter, I had leave to open it, and that
I have a little itch to make some animad-
[CW: versions]