then that which he undertook) and abound
in delicate applications, and ornaments,
from the divine and prophane authors,
yet being chiefly conversant about two
points, he prevaricates in both. For, for
the matter, which is the first, he referres it
intirely, and namely, to that which D. Mor-
ton hath said therein before, and so leaves
it roundly: And for the person (which is
the second) upon whom he amasses as ma-
ny opprobries, as any other could deserve,
he pronounceth, that he will account any
answer from his adversary, slaunder, except
he do (as he hath done) draw whatsoever
he saith of him, from Authors of the same
Religion, and in print: And so, he having
made use of all the Quodlibetaries, imputa-
tions against the other, cannot be obnoxi-
ous himself in that kinde, and so hath pro-
vided safely. It were no service to you, to
send you my notes upon the Book, because
they are sandy, and incoherent ragges, for
my memory, not for your judgement; and
to extend them to an easinesse, and perspi-
[CW: cuity,]