To the Honourable Knight H. G.
Your Son left here a Letter for me,
from you. But I neither discern by it
that you have received any of mine lately;
which have been many, and large, and too
confident to be lost, especially since, (as I
remember) they always conveyed others
to that good Lady; neither do I know
where to finde, by any diligence, your sons
lodging. But I hope he will apprehend that
impossibility in me, and finde me here,
where he shall also finde as much readi-
nesse to serve him, as at Polesworth. This
Letter of yours makes me perceive, that
that Lady hath expressed her purpose to
you in particular, for the next term. Accor-
dingly, I make my promises: for since one
that meant but to flatter, told an Emperour,
that his benefits were to be reckoned from
the day of the promise, because he never
failed, it were an injury from me to the
constancy of that noble Lady, if I should
[CW: not,]