It is my third Letter: which I tell you,
because I found not Mr. Rogers, but left
the Letter which I sent last, with a stran-
ger at Cliffords Inne.
To Sir H. G.
This 14 of November last I received
yours of the 9, as I was in the street
going to sup with my Lady Bedford, I found
all that company forepossessed with a won-
der why you came not last saturday. I per-
ceive, that as your intermitting your Let-
ters to me, gave me reason to hope for you,
so some more direct addresse or conscience
of your businesse here, had imprinted in
them as assurance of your comming, this
Letter shall but talke, not discourse; it
shall but gossip, not consider, nor consult,
so it is made halfe with a prejudice of be-
ing lost by the way. The King is gone
this day for Royston: and hath left with the
Queen a commandment to meditate upon
[CW: a]