which the end did afford. Howsoever, all
that can encrease the danger of your Let-
ter, encrease my merit; for, as where they
immolate men, it is a scanter devotion,
to sacrifice one of many slaves or of many
children, or an onely child, then to beget
and bring up one purposely to sacrifice it,
so if I ordain this Letter purposely for de-
struction, it is the largest expressing of
that kinde of piety, and I am easie to beleeve
(because I wish it) your hast hither: Not
that I can fear any slacknesse in that business
which drew you down, because your for-
tune and honour are a paire of good spurs
to it; but here also you have both true
businesse and many Quasi negotia, which
go two and two to a businesse; which are
visitations, and such, as though they be not
full businesses, yet are so near them that they
serve as for excuses, in omissions of the o-
ther. As when abjurations was in use in
this land, the State and law was satisfied if
the abjuror came to the sea side, and waded
into the sea, when windes and tydes re-
[CW: sisted]