way affected, his stammering is so ex-
treme, as he can utter nothing. They can-
not draw him to look upon a son of the
Marquis, whom they have put into his ser-
vice. And he was so extremely affectionate
towards the younger son of Beaufort, that
they have removed him to a charge which
he hath, as he is made Prieur of Malta; but
yet there passe such Letters between them,
by stealth and practise, as (though it be be-
tween children) it is become a matter of
State, and much diligence used to prevent
the Letters. For the young Marquis of Ver-
vueil, the K. speaks often of transplan-
ting him into the Church, and once this
Christmas delighted himself to see his
young brother in a Cardinalls habit. Sir,
it is time to take up, for I know, that any
thing, from this place, as soon as it is cer-
tain, is stale. I have been a great while
more mannerly towards my Lady Bedford,
then to trouble her with any of mine own
verses, but having found these French ver-
ses accompanied with a great deal of repu-
[CW: tation]