others, in dying. Cotton the great Court Je-
suite hath so importuned the Q. to give
some modifications to the late interlocuto-
ry arrest against the Jesuits, that in his pre-
sence, the C. Soisons, who had been present in
the Court at the time of the arrest, and Ser-
vin the Kings Advocate, who urged it,
and the Premier president, were sent for:
They came so well provided with their
books, out of which they assigned to the Q.
so many, so evident places of seditious
doctrine, that the Q. was well satisfied,
that it was fit by all means to provide a-
gainst the teaching of the like doctrine in
France. The D. of Espernon is come to Paris,
with (they say) 600 horse in his train; all
which company, came with him into the
Court: which is an insolency remarkable
here. They say that scarce any of the Princes
appear in the streets, but with very great
trains. No one enemy could wast the trea-
sures of France so much, as so many friends
do: for the Q. dares scarce deny any, that so
she may have the better leave to make haste
[CW: to]