termined to passe some time, in the Pala-
tinate. I go thither with a great deale of de-
votion; for me thinkes it is a new kinde
of piety, that as Pilgrims went heretofore
to places which had been holy and happy,
so I go to a place now, which shall be so,
and more, by the present of the worthiest
Princess of the world, if that marriage pro-
ceed. I have no greater errand to the place
then that at my return into England, I may
be the fitter to stand in her presence, and
that after I have seen a rich and abundant
Countrey, in his best seasons, I may see that
Sun which shall always keep it in that
height. Howsoever we stray, if you have
leasure to write at any time, adventure by
no other way, then M. Bruer, at the Queens
Armes, a Mercer, in Cheapside. I shall omit
no opportunity, of which I doubt not to
finde more then one before we go from
Paris. Therefore give me leave to end this,
in which if you did not finde the remem-
brance of my humblest services to my Lady
Bedford, your love and faith ought to try
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