To the Countesse of Bedford.
Happiest and worthiest Lady,
I do not remember that ever I have seen a
petition in verse, I would not therefore
be singular, nor adde these to your other
papers. I have yet adventured so near as to
make a petition for verse, it is for those your
Ladiship did me the honour to see in
Twicknam garden, except you repent your
making, and having mended your judge-
ment by thinking worse, that is, better, be-
cause juster, of their subject. They must
needs be an excellent exercise of your wit,
which speake so well of so ill: I humbly
beg them of your Ladiship, with two such
promises, as to any other of your composi-
tions were threatnings: that I will not shew
them, and that I will not beleeve them;
and nothing should be so used that comes
from your brain or breast. If I should con-
fesse a fault in the boldnesse of asking
them, or make a fault by doing it
in a longer Letter, your Ladiship might
[CW: use]