sow not vertue in us, yet produceth and
ripeneth it. Your mans haste, and mine to
Micham cuts off this Letter here, yet, as in
littell paterns torn from a whole piece, this
may tell you what all I am. Though by
taking me before my day (which I accoun-
ted Tuesday) I make short payment of this
duty of Letters, yet I have a little comfort
in this, that you see me hereby, willing to
pay those debts which I can, before my
First Saturday in Your affectionate friend
March. 1607. J. Donne.
You forget to send me the Apology; and many times,
I think it an injury to remember one of a promise, lest
it confesse a distrust. But of the book, by occasion of
reading the Deans answer to it, I have sometimes
some want.
[CW: To]