Digital Donne: the Online Variorum

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Previous image Next image The 1654 Prose Letters  Letter 20, cont. (p.59)

have brought to Micham. Sr, though my for-
tune hath made me such as I am, rather a
sicknesse and disease of the world then any
part of it, yet I esteemed my self so far from
being so to you, as I esteemed you to be far
from being so of the world, as to measure
men by fortune or events. I am now gone
so far towards health, as there is not infir-
mity enough left in me for an assurance of
so much noblenesse and truth, as your last
Letter is to work upon, that might cure a
greater indisposition then I am now in: And
though if I had died, I had not gone
without testimonies of such a disposition
in you towards the reparation of my for-
tune, or preservation of my poor reputati-
on; yet I would live, and be some such
thing as you might not be ashamed to
love. Your man must send away this hour
in which he visits me; and I have not yet
(for I came last night) offered to visit my
La. Bedford, and therefore have nothing to
say which should make me grudge this
straitnesse of time. He tels me he sends again
[CW: upon]

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