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Lect ["Stand still and I will reade to thee"]

Lecture vppon Shadowe.|

Stand still and I will reade to thee
A lecture, loue, in loues philosophie;
Those three howres which wee haue spent
In walking here, two shadowes went
Alonge with vs, which wee our selues produced.
But now the Sun is iust aboue our head,
Wee doe those shadowes treade,
And to braue, cleernes all thinges are reducd
Soe whilst our infant loue did growe
Disguise did, and shadowes flowe
From vs and our care, but now tis not soe;
That loue hath not attaind the highest degree,
Which is still diligent, least others see.

Except our loue att this noone staie
Wee shall new shadowes make the other waie;
As the first were made to blynde
Others, these which com̅e behinde
Will worke vppon our selues, and blinde our eies,
If one loue fainte and westwardly decline,
To mee, thou falsly thine,
And I to thee myne actions shall disguise;
The Morninge shadowes weare awaie,
But thes growe longer all the daie:
But oh loues daie is spent if loue decaie
Loue is a growing, or full constant light
And his first Minute afternoone is Night.|