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Break ["Tis true tis day, what though it bee?"]

Breake of Daie

Tis true tis day, what though it bee?
O willt thou therefore rise from mee?
Why should wee rise because tis light?
Did wee lie downe, because twas Night?
Loue, which in despight of darkness brought vs hether
Should in despite of light keepe vs together.

Light hath no tounge, but is all eie,
If it could speake as well as spie,
This were the worst, that it could saie
That beinge well I faine would staie;
And that I loud my hart, and honor so,
That I would not from him which had thee goe.

Must busynes thee from hence remoue?
O thats the worst disease of loue.
The poore, the fowle, the f'alse, loue can
Admitt, but not the busyed man.
Hee which hath businesse, and makes loue, doth doe
Such wronge as when a married man doth woe.|| [CW: I wonder]