Rebell, and Athist too, why mvrmer I,
As though I felt the worst that loue could doe?
Loue might make mee leaue loueinge, or might trie
A deeper plague to make her loue mee too.
Which since shee loues before, I am loath to see,
Falshood is worse then hate, and that mvst bee
If shee whome I loue, should loue mee.|
The Diet.
To what a cumbersome vnwildines,
And burdenous corpulence my loue had growne
But that I did to make it lesse
And keepe it in proportion
Giue it a diett, made it feede vppon
That which loue worst indues, discretion.
Aboue one sigh a daie, I allowd him not
Of which my fortune, and my fates had part
And if some tymes by stealth hee gott
A shee=sigh from my Mistress hart
And thought to feast on that, I lett him see
Twas nether very sound nor meant to mee.
If hee wrong from mee a teare, I brind it soe
With scorne or shame, that him itt nourished not,[CW: if:]