Then yow haue done a brauer thinge
Then all the worthies did
And a brauer thence will springe
Which is to keepe that hid.|
Loues Deitie.
I longe to talke with some old Louers Gost
Who died before the God of loue was borne
I cannot thinke that hee, who then loud most
Sunke soe low, as to loue one which did scorne:
But since this God producd a destinie
And that Vice=Nature, Custome letts it bee,
I mvst loue her that loues not mee.
Sure they which made him God, ment not so mvch
Nor hee in his younge Godhead practisd itt;
But when an euen flame two harts did touch
His office was indulgently to fitt
Actiues to Passiues. Corespondensy
Only his subiect was, it cannot bee
Loue till I loue her, that loues mee
But every moderne God will now extende
His vast prerogatiue, as farr as Ioue
To rage, to lust, to write soe to commend
All is the Purlue of the God of loue
O were wee wakned by this tyranie
To vngod this child againe, it could not bee
That I should loue who loues not mee. |