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RWThird ["Like one who in her widdowhood doth professe"]

Though to vse, and loue Poetrie, to mee
Betrothd to no one Art, bee no Adulterie
Omissions of good, ill, as ill deedes bee.

For though to vs it seeme, and bee light and thinne
Yett in those faythfull Scales, where God throwes in
Mens workes, Vanitie, waies as mvch as Sin.

If our Soules haue staind, There first white, yett wee
May cloth them with fayth, and deere honestie
Which God imputes as natiue puritie.

Seeke wee then our selues, in our selues: for: as
Men force the Sun, with mvch more force to passe,
By gatharinge her beames with a Cristall glasse

Soe wee, if wee into our selues will tourne,
Blowing our sparks of Vertue, may out burne
The Strawe, which doth aboute our harts seiourne.

Yow know Phisitians, when they would infuse
Into any Oyle the Souls of simples, vse
Places where they may still warme, to chuse

So workes retirednesse in vs: to rome
Giddilie, and bee everie where butt att home,
Such freedome doth a Banishment become.

Wee are but Farmers of our selues; yett maye,
If wee can stock our selues, and thriue, vp-laie
Much, much deare. treasure for the great rent daie.