And I as giddie trauellours mvst doe,
Which straie, or sleepe all daie, and hauing lost
Light, and Strength, darke, and tird mvst then ride poste
If thou vnto thy Muse bee maried,
Embrace her ever, ever Multiplie;
Bee farr from mee that strange Adulterie
To tempt thee and procure her Widdow-hood
My muse (for I had one) because I am cold
Diuoucd her selfe; the cause beinge in mee
That I can take no new in Bigamee
Nott my will only, but power doth with hold,
Hence comes itt, that these rimes which neuer had
Mother, want matter; and they only haue
A little forme, the which there father gaue.
They are profane, imperfect, oh, too bad
To bee counted children of Poetrye.
Except confirmd, and Bishopped by thee.|
To: M: R: W:
Like one in her Widdowhood doth professe
Her selfe A Nunne, tyrd to a retirednes;
So affects my Muse now, a chast fallownes.
Since shee to few, yett too many hath showne
How loue song Weedes and laterique thornes are growne
Where seedes of better Artes were early sowne. [CW: Though.=]