Sustaines in vs; earth which greifes animate;
Nor hath our world now other soule then that.
And could griefe gett soe high as Heauen, that Quire
Forgettinge this their new ioy, would desire
(With greefe to see him) hee had stayd below
To rectifie our errours, they foreknowe
Is the other Center reason, faster then?
Where should wee looke for that, now wee are not men?
For if our reason bee our Connexion
With cawses, now to vs, ther can bee none;
For as if all the substances were spent,
Twere Madnesse to enquire of Accident;
So ist to looke for reason, hee being gone
The only subiect reason wrought vppon
If fate haue such a Chaine, whose diuers lincks
Industrious Man discerneth, as hee thincks
When Miracle doth com̅e, and soe steale in,
A new linck, man knowes not where to begin,
Att a mvch deader fault mvst reason bee
Death havinge broke of such a linck as hee.
But now for vs, with busie proofe to come
That wee haue noe reason, would proue wee had som̅e;
So would iust lamentations: therfore wee
May safelier say, that wee are dead, then hee;
Soe if our griefes wee doe not well declare
Wee haue double excuse; Hees not dead, and wee are
Yett I would not die yett; for though I bee
Too narrowe to thinke him, as hee is hee,
(Our Soules best baytinge) and mid=period
In her long iournye, of consideringe God;)
Yett (no dishonor) I can reach him thus |