Yett knowe I nott which flower
I wish a six or fower
For should my true loue, lesse then woman bee,
Shee were scarce any thinge; and then should shee
Bee more then a woman, shee would gett aboue
All thought of sexe, and thinke to moue
My hart to studdie her, not to loue;
Both these were Monsters: since then mvst reside,
Falshood in woman I could more abide
Shee were by art, then Nature falsified.
Liue Primerose then and thriue
With thy true nvmber fiue
And women, whome this flowre doth represent
With this misterious nvmber bee content:
Ten is the furthest nvmber; if halfe ten
Belonge vnto each woman, then
Each woman may take halfe vs men.
Or if this will not serue their tvrne, since all
Numbers are odd or even, and they fall
First into this fiue, they may take vs all
The Blossom̅e.|
Littell thinkst thou, poore flowre,
Whome I haue watchd six or seven daies
And seene thy birth, and seene what every howre
Gaue to thy growth, thee to this highth to raise
And now dost laugh, and tryvmph on this bowe
Littell thinkst thou
That it will freeze anon, and that I shall
To morrow finde thee falne, or not att all.