But soules, where nothing dwells but loue,
(All other thoughts beinge Inmates) then shall proue
This, or a loue encreased, there aboue
When Boddies to their graues. Soules from their Graues remoue
And then wee shall bee throughly blest,
But wee no more then all the rest,
Heere vppon Earth wee are kings: And none but wee,
Cann bee such kings, nor of such subiects bee
Who is soe safe as wee? where none can doe
Treason to vs, except one of vs two.
True, and false feares lett vs refraine,
Lett vs loue Nobly, and liue, and add againe
Yeares and yeares vnto yeares, till wee attaine
To write three score, this is the second of our raigne.|
The Primerose.
Vppon this Primerose hill
Where if heauen would distill
A showre of raine, each seuerall drop might goe
To his owne Primerose, and grow Manna soe
And where their forme, and their Infinitye
Make a terrestriall Galaxie
As the small starrs doe in the skie,
I walke to finde a true loue; And I see
That tis not a meere Woman, that is shee
But mvst or more or lesse, then woman bee [CW: yett]