Can bee as happie as I can: if hee can
Endure the short scorne of a Bridegroomes plaie?
That loueinge wretch that Sweares,
Tis not the Boddies marrie, but the myndes
Which hee in her Angelique findes
Would sweare as iustly that hee heares
In that daies rude hourse Minstralsye the Spheares
Hope not for mynde in Women, at their best
Sweetenes and witt, they are but Mummy possest
Twicknam Garden.
Blasted with sighes, and sorrounded with teares
Hether I come to seeke the Springe
And at myne eyes, and at myne eares
Receaue such balmes, as els cure every thinge:
But, oh, selfe traitour I doe bringe
The Spider loue, which transubstantiates all
And can convert Manna to Gall
And that this place may throughlye bee thought
True Paradise I haue the Serpent brought
Twere holsomer for mee that winter did
Benight the glorie of this place
And that a graue frost did forbid
These Trees to laugh, and mock mee to my face
But that I may not this disgrace
Indure, nor yet leaue louinge, loue lett mee
Some senceless peece of this place bee. [CW: Make]