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LovAlch ["Some that haue deeper digd loues myne then I"]

And thus inuoke vs, yow whome reverend loue
Made one anothers Hermitage
Yow to whome loue was peace, that now is rage
Who did the whole worlds soule extract, and drawe
Into the glasses of your eyes;
So made such Mirrors, and such spies,
That they did all to yow Epitomize;
Countries Townes Courts, beg from aboue
A Patterne of our loue.|

Loues Alchimis

Some that haue deeper digd loues myne then I
Saie where his centrique happines doth lie.
I haue loud, and gott, and told.
But should I loue, gett, tell, till I were old
I should not finde that hidden Misterie.
Oh tis Imposture all:
And as no Chymick yett the Elixar gott
But glorifies his pregnant Pott.
If by the waie to him befall
Some Odoriferus thinge, or Medcinall
Soe Louers dreame a rich, and longe delight,
But gett a winters seeminge Summer Night.
Our ease, our thirst, our honor, and our daie
Shall wee for this vaine bubbels shadowe paie?
Ends loue in this? That my Man