Or if then thou gaust mee all,
All was but all, which thou hadst then;
But if in thy hart, since there bee, or shall
New loue created bee by other men,
Which haue their stocks entire, and can in teares,
In sighs in othes, and letters out byd mee,
This new loue may begett new feares:
For this loue was not vowd by thee
And yet, it was: Thy guift beinge generall
The grownd, thy hart, is myne, what ever shall
Growe there, deare, I should haue itt all.
Yet I would not haue itt all;
Hee that hath all can haue no more;
And since my loue doth everie daye admitt
New growth, thou shouldst haue new rewards in store.
Thou canst not everye daie giue mee thy Hart;
If thou canst giue itt then thou never gauest itt.
Loues Riddlesse are, that though thy hart departe,
Itt stayes at home, and thou with loosing saust itt
But wee will haue a waye more liberall
Then changinge harts, to ioyne them; soe wee shall
Bee one, and one another, all.| [CW: Loue.] |